F&M College Library

Data Science

Software and Tools

Site with free R trainings: Getting Started with R; Fundamentals of R, and more.

An online interface to the R package Swirl, which lets you learn R from within R.

These interactive screencast videos were created by the author James O. Aldrich.

  • SPSS Beginner Tutorial
  • SPSS Tutorial

    The tutorial is prepared by Academic Technology Services in UCLA. It has a Starter Kit for beginners, and also topics for a range of data analysis models.

You can find helpful information on downloading and activating SPSS from the F&M Technology Support Services website. License codes only work with version 29.

Text Mining

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Text Mining is the discovery by computer of new, previously unknown information, by automatically extracting information from different written resources... The difference between regular data mining and text mining is that in text mining the patterns are extracted from natural language text rather than from structured databases of facts. 

(From What is Text Mining? by Marti Hearst)

The HathiTrust Research Center has developed a suite of tools and services for text data mining including web-based algorithms, freely-accessible datasets, and secure computing capsules.