F&M College Library

Data Science

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Welcome to F&M's LibGuide to Data Science! We hope this can serve as a starting point for your research needs in the data sciences field. Since this is a new major at F&M and due to the ongoing changes in data science, this guide will be updated regularly. If you have questions, feedback, or think something important is missing, then please let me know! I can be emailed at hperez@fandm.edu

Featured Mapping Website - USGS

USGS - Maps

Digital line graphs, digital orthophoto quadrangles, national elevation dataset, national hydrography dataset, and land use/land cover data. Links to various software for general display and creation, image processing, and specific topics such as watershed.

Your research toolbox!

Clipart image of toolbox items


DISCOVER: Search almost all of the F&M library's resources in one place. This includes books, ebooks, journals, DVDs, journal articles, special collections items, streaming video, and more.

Research Databases: Search for collections of electronic articles in your subject area. 

WorldCat: Search for books, music and videos available for request from libraries around the world.

Ask A librarian: Need help with your research? Ask your friendly librarian!

Citing Sources: The College Library's guide to citing sources.


The image of the toolbox is from the LEAD website.