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College History Fast Facts

History of Campus Buildings and Landmarks

Existing buildings are noted in Bold
Razed, destroyed or sold structures are noted in plain font.

References and captions are in italics.

For more information on College buildings/landmarks, please visit the Archives.



Academy Building (Franklin and Marshall Academy)

New Academy Building see Hartman Hall
Old Academy Building see East Hall

Administration Building see: East Hall, Old Main, Stahr Hall

Admissions House see: Gerhart House, Wohlsen House


Advisement Center (625 College Ave.)

1993 - Named the Advisement Center. 
1996 - Houses Dean of Freshmen, Dean of Sophomores, Multicultural Affairs, Pre-Healing Arts Advising, Pre-Law Advising, Off-Campus Study.


Aeronautical Laboratory see: Keiper Liberal Arts Building


Heugel Alumni HouseAlumni House/ Huegel Alumni House

formerly called: Nevin House. President's House.
1871 - College cedes 4.5 acres of land (all of campus south of the present library) valued at $5,000 to the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church as it prepares to move from Mercersburg to Lancaster. Houses for Seminary professors and a main building are intended for the site.
1871 - House constructed at a cost of approx. $7,200 as a residence for Seminary president Rev. Thomas Gilmore Apple. Architect: Samuel Sloan, Philadelphia; Builders: Swartzwelder and Morrow, Lancaster.
1918 - House and land (including Gerhart House) purchased from Seminary for $20,000; used by F & M as "College Scholar House."
1918 - Used by Paradise Club.
1919 - Remodeled and modernized at a cost of $7,708.50.(Another source states $5,063.62). Contractor: H.L. Wiant, Lancaster. Architect: C. Emlen Urban.
1919 to 1966 - Used as President's residence.
1967 - Converted to offices and overnight accommodations; named Nevin House.
1984 - Renovated.
1985 April - Rededicated L. James Huegel (1938) Alumni House, and housed Alumni Programs, Bicentennial Office. 
1992 - Art department offices move in.


Alumni House Annex/Huegel Alumni House Annex/Guest House (445 College Avenue)

ca.1908-Constructed on lot purchased from next door neighbors Joseph H. Dubbs and John B. Keiffer, professors at F&M.
2001-Purchased by College for use as a guest house.


Alumni Sports and Fitness Center ConstructionAlumni Sports and Fitness Center (ASFC) ( 929 Harrisburg Avenue)

1993 - Dec. 8 - Groundbreaking. RDG Bussard Dikis and David Lynch & Associates- architects Warfel Construction Co.-contractor. Cost $13 million. 
1995 - July 27 - Opened.
1995 - Oct. 27 (Homecoming) - Formal dedication of ASFC. Houses Schnader Field House, Kunkel Aquatic Center/McGinness Pool.


Aerial view of the ASFC under construction August 1994.

Ann and Richard Barshinger Life Sciences and Philosophy Building see Barshinger Life Sciences and Philosophy Building.

Appel Infirmary
1959 Sep. 13 - Dedication; named for Appel family

1963 - 1984 Counseling Center located in building.
1977 - Housed Medical and Counseling Services; Placement Office. 
1984 - Contained: Medical Services, Academic Computing, Writing Center.
1991 - Held Health Services, John Marshall Investment Corporation, Writing Center.
1992 - Health Services only. 
1996 - Office of Residential Programs moves into lower level.
2000 - Rooms 100 and 102 converted into technology classrooms
2017 - Health Services moves to lower level of College Square. Appel Infirmary renovated fall 2017 to become Harwood Commons.

Arboretum see: Caroline Steinman Nunan Arboretum at Franklin & Marshall College

Art Gallery see: Steinman College Center / Phillips Museum of Art, Goethean Hall

Arts House see: Murray House

Athletic Turf Field see: Tylus Field


Baker Campus
1963 February - 45 acres purchased of land along Harrisburg Pike from Harrisburg Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church for $136,000. Officially named Charles G. and Miriam R. Baker Memorial Campus. Baker was a local attorney who bequeathed $224,816 to the College in his will. 
1964 April- Additional 5 acres of land adjacent to Baker tract acquired from School Lane Hills Corporation for $35,000.
1981 April- Additional acreage purchased adjacent to Baker campus from Lancaster Brick Co. at a cost of $285,000.

Barshinger Center for the Musical Arts see: Hensel Hall


Barshinger Life Sciences and Philosophy BuildingBarshinger Life Sciences and Philosophy Building

2005 Oct. 21- Groundbreaking. Construction begins on $48.7 million dollar structure named after Ann Barshinger who donated $10 million toward its construction. Einhorn, Yaffee, and Prescott, architects. Turner Construction Co., construction manager.
2007 August- Building opens and houses departments of Biology, Philosophy, and Psychology and interdisciplinary programs Biological Foundations of Behavior and Scientific and Philosophical Studies of the Mind.
2007 October 26- Formally dedicated. Dr. Rita Colwell, former director National Science Foundation, inaugural speaker (Oct. 23); Dr. D. Holmes Morton, founder Clinic for Special Children, dedication keynote speaker.

Groundbreaking Ceremony Program


Benjamin Franklin Residence Halls
South Ben: Dubbs, Klein, Kunkel, Atlee Halls
North Ben: Muhlenberg, Mull, Rauch, Schaeffer Halls.

1963 Sept.- 1965 Jan.- Constructed at a cost of 2.5 million. Lee & Theate Associates, architects. John H. Wickersham, Inc. , contractor. Residential quadrangle formed by Ben Franklin Residence Hall and Marshall-Buchanan and Schnader Hall becomes known at some point (perhaps only informally) as Ben Franklin Quad.
1965 Feb 11- Dedicated. 
1964 - 1970 (?) - Housed WFNM radio station
1976 - Housed SAGA Food Service, Laundry Service
1984 - Contained: dining hall, food service, and Ben's Underground
1990 - Summer - minor renovations
2006-2007- Ware College House Commons, an addition to North Ben is constructed. MGA Partners architects. Made possible through $1.5 million gift of Paul (F&M 1972) and Judy Ware.
2007 Feb. 23- Ware College House dedicated.
2007-2008- Bonchek College House Commons, an addition to South Ben is constructed. Made possible through a gift from Lawrence and Rita Bonchek, P'91. 
2008 Oct. 24- Bonchek College House dedicated.
2010- Race Avenue parking lot (adjacent to Ben Franklin Residence Hall) demolished and reconstructed adding additional parking spaces, rain garden landscaping, and porous asphalt.
2011 September 25- Residential quadrangle between Ben Franklin College Houses and Marshall-Buchanan, Schnader, Thomas, and Weis Halls renamed "The John A. Fry College House Green"

Beth Shalom. see: Hillel House.


Biesecker Gymnasium see also: Mayser Physical Education Center. Fackenthal Swimming Pool. Distler House.

1926 - Constructed; funded by Fred W. Biesecker (F & M l880 and Vice President of the Board of Trustees) with $75,000 plus $100,000 in matching funds (matching funds were never raised); William Prichett, architect. Charles Zeller Klauder, supervising architect. Herman Wohlsen, builder.
1960-62- Building incorporated into Mayser Center project.


Black Cultural Center (615 College Ave.)
1986 - Black Cultural Center moves to 615 College Ave. from 644 - 646 Race Ave.


Boiler House see Central Services

Bonchek College House Commons see Benjamin Franklin Residence Hall

Book Shop / Store see Diagnothian Hall, Distler House, Steinman College Center, College Square


Brew HouseBrew House (Franklin College; located at Mifflin St., west of Duke St.) see also: Store House. 

1787 Jul. 18- First building housing Franklin College; used as a classroom, though some classes were also held in the Trinity Church, parsonage of G. H. E. Muhlenberg (33 N. Duke St.)
1788 Spring - College moved to "Store House."

Late nineteenth century view of the Brew House, razed ca. 1900. 

Brooks College House Commons see Marshall-Buchanan Hall


Brooks Tennis Center
2005-2006- 8 courts and Epps pavilion constructed at a cost of $1.1 million on site of former Kimmel scrapyard. Derck & Edson Associates, engineers; MM Architects, pavilion designer; Wohlsen Construction, construction manager. 
2006 June 3- dedicated. Honors Robert J. Brooks Sr (F&M 1966) business executive and member Board of Trustees and Patty Epps, F&M squash and tennis coach and associate director of Athletics.

Buchanan House
formerly called: Janitor's House/ Annex

1856-1857 - Constructed at a cost of $1,015. Building used as college janitor's house.
1968 - 81 - Named Annex, used as the Black Cultural Center
1981-1986 - Unnamed building housed Public Relations, Publications, Special Events.
1987 - Classics department moved in, temporarily named Classics House.
1987 - Named after James Buchanan, Trustee.

Buchanan Park
owned by City of Lancaster Parks and Recreation. (Although not owned by the College, its close proximity makes it of interest.) Land originally part of the James Hamilton (founder of Lancaster) estate.

1875 - Land owned by Henry Franke, a local brewer, who lived at 230 North Prince St.
1886 - Land owned by a V. Suitman. Presumably farm land. According to the 1886 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map of Lancaster, a tobacco barn exists on the property immediately adjacent to the F&M campus. The property is separated from F&M by a fence.
1892-1894 - City purchases the 22.5 acre Suitman tract for $20,500 and builds a 15 million gallon reservoir on the property.
1894 Oct 14 - Reservoir bursts as it is being filled, spilling 11 million gallons of water through the west end. Reservoir abandoned.
1905 March 25 - City council passes ordinance dedicating the 22 acre property as Buchanan Park.
1925- City builds 1 million gallon standpipe/water tank to increase water pressure to west end, followed by a second tank in 1932. (see Water Towers) 
1928 June 1 - Statue of James Buchanan dedicated in Buchanan Park on the 60th anniversary of his death. Cost of $25,000 paid through a bequest by the late Dulon F. Buckmiller, a Lancaster lock manufacturer. Charles Grafly of Philadelphia, sculptor. 
1962 February - To allow for campus expansion, F&M attempts to broker a deal with the City to trade Brookside Twin Pools, located adjacent to Long's Park, (which it has an option to purchase) for Buchanan Park. After public outcry, the city rejects the deal.
1976 April- City allows F&M to construct a service road between the North end of Buchanan Park and the Campus. This allows vehicle access to the rear of Old Main from Race avenue.
1996- Two watertanks razed


Buchanan Statue (Buchanan Park) see Buchanan Park.


Business Office (644-646 Race Ave.)
formerly called: Student Affairs House.
1982 - First appears in Names and Numbers as RA, housing Chaplains, Black Cultural Center, and the Women's Center.
1985 - Called the Student Affairs House, housed the Black Cultural Center, Campus Ministries, Success Program, and the Women's Center.
1986 - Student Affairs House: Campus Ministries, Black Cultural Center, and the Women's center.
1986 - Development takes over the building.
1994 - Centennial Athletic Conference, Sabbatical Offices, Emeriti Offices. 
1995 - Commonwealth Partnership, HEDS Consortium, and Central Pennsylvania Consortium added.
1999/2000- Houses Business office


Campus Art/Outdoor Sculpture
For additional photographs of campus sculpture, please visit this link.

Aesthetic Distance 

2009- Sculpted by Artist and F&M Professor of Art, Virginia Maksymowicz. Medium: wood, stoneware.
April 2012- Installed on campus outside of Huegel Alumni House. 

Bronze sculpture of Benjamin FranklinBronze sculpture of Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

1983-1984- Commissioned by the Philadelphia Regional Alumni Council of F&M.
1986- October 24 dedicated. Located near the front of Keiper Liberal Arts building. By Philadelphia artist Arlene Love.
Known unofficially as Ben-in-the Box
2010- Relocated slightly west to accommodate addition of relocated John Marshall sculpture.

Bronze sculpture of John Marshall (1755-1835)

- Commissioned by the Class of 1999 and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Dickstein (F&M 1947).
Completed 1999-2000 and placed between Keiper Liberal Arts building and Stager Hall in October, 2000. 
Sculpted by Philadelphia artist Arlene Love.
2010- Moved to area between Keiper Hall and Shadek-Fackenthal Library (Manning Alumni Green) adjacent to relocated Ben Franklin sculpture.


By Tedd Pettibon. Installed 2009. Located between Huegel Alumni House and Herman Art Center.

Chesapeake SculptureChesapeake

1985- December, installed in front of Stager Hall. Donated by Stephen Moses, F&M 1955. Steel and stone sculpture by California artist Woods Davy.

Great Dane

Medium: chrome, bronze. Created in 1972 by John W. Kearney. Located behind Buchanan House.


By Allentown artist Dan Kainz, 1993. White marble sculpture located in front of Steinman College Center. Gift of Berman Foundation, 2010.

Marble Bench
By Berj Krikorian, 1993. Vermont marble sculpture located in between Franklin Meyran and Stager Halls along College Ave. Gift of Berman Foundation, 2010.

Split Disk
By Paul Sisko. Painted steel sculpture, located behind Weis College House. Gift of Berman Foundation, 2010.

Family SculptureFamily
By Gary Alexander (F&M 1970). Steel sculpture, located near Buchanan Ave.entrance of Herman Art Center. Given in memory of Professor Edmund Whiting.


1966- Acquired by the College through a $4,000 gift from Mr. Nicolas Braun, parent of a student. Cast in bronze by Greek artist Aleko Kyriakos. Originally located at various sites on campus including the area between Dietz-Santee and Franklin-Meyran Halls, between Dietz-Santee and the College Center and in front of Wohlsen House.
2004- Moved to Kneedler sculpture garden area near Steinman College Center


(Bronze relief of ancient figures)

Bronze relief depicting an ancient Greek man and a dog on one side and an animal on the reverse. By Greek artist Aleko Kyriakos. The actual title of this sculpture is unknown. Located between Dietz Santee Hall and the Steinman College Center.



2003- Etched glass and stainless steel sculpture created by students in the Spring 2003 studio Art class Sculpture and the Environment. Contains the quotation "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin. Installed in Kneedler Sculpture Garden, later removed.


Bronze Statue of Abraham de Peyster
Bronze Statue of Abraham de Peyster

1895- Sculpted by George Edwin Bissell (1839-1920). Cast by Henry Bonnard Bronze Co., Connecticut. Commissioned by John Watts de Peyster (1821-1907) gr. gr. gr. grandson of subject. Total cost said to be $10,000, including granite pedestal. 
1895-1897- Sculpture originally located on the Bowling Green in New York City. Commemorates Abraham de Peyster, Mayor of the City of New York and member of the Reformed Church.
1897- Donated to Franklin and Marshall College by John Watts de Peyster. Moved from New York and erected along College Avenue (at the end of James Street) in front of the new Watts-de Peyster Library. 
1937- Moved to Buchanan Avenue to make room for the construction of Fackenthal Library. 
2019 - Relocated slightly farther west along Buchanan Avenue to make way for construction of the Winter Visual Arts Center.

Three Lines Horizontal

By modern artist George W. Rickey 1907-2002. Donated by Robert Sarnoff, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, 1967-1972. Formally located in the area known as Spalding plaza until moved to the Kneedler Sculpture Garden in 2002.


War Memorial for the 21st CenturyWar Memorial for the 21st Century

By Linda Cunningham, 1987. Rededicated to mark the tragic events of September 11, 2001. Originally created in response to the Vietnam War. Located near Kneedler Sculpture Garden.



Votive KVotive K

By German sculptor Fritz Koenig. Gift of trustee Robert Sarnoff, 1976. Moved to its current location between Dietz-Santee and Franklin-Meyran Halls ca. 2003 to become focal point of September 11, 2001 Memorial Garden.


By F&M exchange student from the University of Edinburgh, James Coupe, 1996. Based on Van Gogh's Sunflowers.



By F&M Professor of Art Edmund Whiting (1918-1975). Located behind Huegel House. 


Medium: Limestone. By F&M Professor of Art Edmund Whiting (1918-1975). Located between Huegel House and Herman Art Center.



Campus House. see: Distler House.


Campus Ministries House (619 College Ave.)
1986 - Campus Ministries moves to 625 College Ave. from 644-646 Race Ave. - Houses Campus Ministries, Volunteer Services, and the Women's Center.
1990 - Campus Ministry moves to 619 College Ave.
1993 - Houses Campus Ministries and Volunteer Services.
1994 - Houses Campus Ministries, Community and Public Service, Pre-Law Advising.
1996 - Pre-Law advising moves to 623-625 College, Advising Center.
1997 - Campus Ministries and the Office of Community and Public Service move to Steinman College Center.

Caroline Steinman Nunan Arboretum at Franklin & Marshall College
February 2007 - College Campus officially designated an arboretum in honor of Caroline Steinman Nunan, emerita trustee and honorary degree recipient, 2003.


Center for the Sustainable Environment see Central Services

Central Heating Plant/Boiler House see Central Services Building


Central Services BuildingCentral Services Building
1925 - original portion constructed as Central Heating plant/Boiler house; Charles Zeller Klauder, architect. Herman Wohlsen, builder.
1967 - Addition constructed at a cost of $250,000.
1977 - Housed: Operations, Buildings and Grounds, Print Shop, Addressograph, Warehouse.
1979 - Housed: Operations, Buildings and Grounds, Publications, Addressograph, Warehouse.
1980 - Housed: Operations, Buildings and Grounds, Print Shop, Mailing Services, Warehouse.
1984 - Contained: Operations, Warehouse, Print Shop, Mailing Center.
1988 - Also contained Buildings and Grounds.
1989 - Now holds solely Operations, Buildings and Grounds, and the Warehouse.
1993 - Wellness Center opened. 
1995 - Houses Buildings and Grounds, Facilities and Operations, Fitness Center, Student Telephone Services. 
ca. 2007- Renovated after Facilities and Operations moves offices to 415 Harrisburg Pike. Houses Fitness Center and P.O.G.I.L.
2008 - Houses the Carolyn and Robert Wohlsen Center for the Sustainable Environment at Franklin and Marshall College.
2009 Nov. 20- Wohlsen Center dedicated.

Informational Profile

Chapel. see Old Main

Chi Phi Fraternity- Zeta ChapterChi Phi Fraternity- Zeta Chapter
1854 - Chapter founded by Joseph Dubbs; second oldest fraternity at F&M; first house located at 415 W. James St. shared by the Mull family.
1896 - Located on the NW. corner of Duke & Frederick Streets.
ca. 1909 - Located at 415 W. James St. Sold house in 1928 to a Dr. Ursprung.
1928- rented temporary house at 429 N. Charlotte St.
1928-29 - Chapter house built at 603 Race Ave. Designed by Walter T. Karcher and Livingston Smith, Philadelphia architects. D.S. Warfel, builder. Cost approx. $45,000.
ca. 1943 - Dispensary located in chapter house during WW II.
1997 - Building repaired and renovated.
2004 - Zeta chapter celebrates its 150th anniversary.

College Building see: Old Main.


College Center see: Steinman College Center.


College Row
2006 May 3- Construction begins on $30 million, 200,000 sq. ft. College housing and retail complex. Project is joint venture between College and private developer, Campus Apartments, Philadelphia. Alexander Construction, contractor. Elkus Manfredi, architects. Most of the five acre lot was the former site of the Federal Mogul manufacturing plant. (see Warehouse)
2007 August- College housing opens. Initial retail venues include Iron Hill Brewing Company and Fillings Menswear.


College Scholar House see: Gerhart House, Alumni House.


College Square (931 Harrisburg Pike)
1991 August - $5.2 million building opens containing: College Development and Special Events, Follett Bookstore Copy Print Aleyah's Blue Parrot Cafe Lebanon Valley College Evening Division offices, Suds & Duds Laundromat/Dry Cleaners Food Court (Steak Attack, Sal's Pizzeria, Mau Mau Chinese Restaurant, Gourmet Pretzel Galley, and Charleston Chicken) The Grandstand Sports Bar & Pizzeria Sporting Goods Store West Coast Video Kelley's Hands & Tans - nail and tanning salon Owned & operated by the John Marshall Investment Corporation.
1992 - John Marshall Investment Corporation moves into College Square Housing. 
1993 - 24-hour MAC machine installed.
1995 - The Grandstand replaced by Doc Holliday's Steakhouse and Saloon
199? - West Coast changes their name to Video Vibes
199? -Video Vibes closes
199? - Lancaster Legal Bagel & Deli opens in old Video Vibes space
1997 - Doc Holliday's restaurant owners replace lower level food court with Gibraltar, a new Mediterranean restaurant.
2011 - Human Resources relocates into expanded office suite on second floor.
2016 - Health Services moves into renovated space on ground floor.
2017 - College Advancement moves into reconfigured and expanded office suite on second floor.

Counseling Center (701 College Ave.)
formerly called: Alumni House, Dean's Residence.

1984 May - Counseling Center moved to 70l College Ave. from Appel Infirmary.
Also houses Career Services.


Daniel Scholl Observatory see: Scholl Observatory, Grundy Observatory.


Dean's Residence see: Counseling Center, Gerhart House.


Diagnothian HallDiagnothian Hall 
(Built to house Diagnothian Literary Society, moved from Mercersburg in 1853 to F&M. Charter granted April 17, 1854.) 

1856 Jul. 20 - Cornerstone laid in a dual ceremony with Goethean Hall cornerstone laying. Society held meetings in the Odd Fellows Lodge until complete. Architects- Thomas and James M. Dixon, Baltimore. John Evans, contractor. Cost approx. $7,650 including furnishings, carpets, drapes and fresco decorations. Frescoes by Francis George of Baltimore at a cost of $610. The College donated $1000 and loaned $1000 interest-free for the construction of the hall.
1857 July 29- Building dedicated. Rev. George B. Russel, guest speaker.
1880 Fall - Renovated at a cost of $1478.
1889-90- Renovated a second time due to inferior workmanship.
1918 - Housed canteen and Y.M.C.A..
1926 - 1959 - Houses Campus bookstore
ca. 1970 - Housed Post Office and Classrooms.
1977 - Housed Special Programs and the Music Dept..
1979 - Housed Audio-Visual Center and the Music Dept..
1985 - Contains only the Music Department.
2000 - 2001- Houses College Dispatch Office.
2001-Renovated to house Registrar's office

Students and faculty meet outside of the Campus bookstore in Diagnothian Hall ca. 1957.


Dietz -Santee Hall shortly after completion in 1925.Dietz-Santee Hall (Residence Hall)
1924- Construction begins. Cornerstone laid Dec 12. Financed from $105,000 bequested by Mary E. Santee in 1923 in memory of Charles Santee (her father and member of the Board of Trustees 1858-1898) and Jacob Y. Dietz (member of the Board of Trustees 1889-1901 and fiance of Mary Santee); Charles Zeller Klauder, architect. Herman Wohlsen, builder.
1985 - Renovated.
1990 - Summer: minor renovations.

Dietz -Santee Hall shortly after completion in 1925.

Distler HouseDistler House
formerly called: Gymnasium, Old Gym, Campus House.

1891 - Constructed as a gymnasium; contained bowling alley, lockers, and dressing rooms in basement and a gymnasium on main floor; cost $7,000. James. H. Warner, architect. McLaughlin and Gesell, Contractors.
1892- Gymnasium opened. Gymnasium outfitted with $985 of A.G. Spalding Co. equipment. Bowling alley equipment paid for by H.S. Williamson.
ca. 1920 - Basketball court added.
1926- Gymnasium replaced by the new Biesecker Gym. Building remains unused until student initiative results in the building being remodeled as a student recreation hall.
1927 January 21- Dedicated as the Campus House. Contains billiard room, bowling alley, and student lounges. Cost of remodeling $1,500. $1,000 of furniture and equipment is donated.
ca. 1943 -1945 -Remodeled (cost $32,000); Main floor used as mess hall for the ROTC units; new cooking and refrigeration equipment installed. Basement used as a canteen/snack bar.
1960 Sept. - Main floor opens as the Campus Bookshop. (Ken White Associates, architects). The new Bookshop replaces the old bookstore located in Diagnothian Hall. Bookstore remains in building until June 1976 when moved to the College Center. 
1976-1977 - Remodeled (cost $216,000+) Warfel Construction-contractor; Bookstore and Canteen removed. Security Services, Registrar, Financial Aid, and the Business Office added. Dedicated October 1, 1977 as Distler House, named for former President Theodore A. (Prexy) Distler. 
1978 - Added Classics Department.
1979 - Added Special programs.
1980 - Added Continuing Education, evening division.
1982 - Security moves out of building (into Marshall-Buchanan)
1983 - Added Housing, Residential Programs.
1984 - Added Summer School, Student Life, and the Classics Commons.
1985 - Added Commonwealth Partnership, Study Abroad.
1986 - Classics/Classics Commons, Study Abroad move; College Controller added.
1989 - Houses Registrar, Student Aid, Business Office, Gifted Students Program, Continuing Education, Summer School, College Controller.
1991 - Houses Registrar, Business Office, Summer School, College Controller.
1992 - Personnel office is added.
1999-2001- Registrar and Business offices move. Partially renovated for student union use as Distler Student Union which opens September 27, 2001.
2003-2004 - Completely renovated for use of Barnes and Noble Campus bookstore. Atrium addition and cafe added. Ueland, Junker, McCauley, Nicholson- architects. Opens August 2004.
2004 October- Dedicated.


Dormitories. (see under name of building) 

(NOTE: campus had no dormitories from 1900 to 1923).
Benjamin Franklin Residences, Marshall-Buchanan Hall, Dietz-Santee Hall, Richards Hall, East Hall, Schnader Hall, Franklin-Meyran Hall, Thomas Hall, Harbaugh Hall, Weis Hall, Hartman Hall.


East HallEast Hall ( Academy Building, Franklin & Marshall Academy) also called: Old Academy Building. This building was an almost exact duplicate of Harbaugh Hall

1872-1873 - Constructed at a cost of $15,877.14 to house the F&M Academy. Samuel Sloan, architect. Was located in the area now called Spalding Plaza
1889 - Housed Linnaean Society collections.
1897 - Renovated; third floor used as dormitory.
1908 - Renamed East Hall and continued to be used by Academy.
1946 - Converted into an Infirmary and 29 one-room apartments for married students; estimated cost $32,500; Phi Tau Fraternity also located in building
1959 - Renovated for use as the College's administrative offices (moved from Stahr Hall) Warfel Construction-contractor. Offices include: Business Manager, Admissions, Recorder, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, President, Academic and Student Deans, Registrar, Director of Student Aid and Placement, Alumni, and Development. Students housed in building relocated to other dorms (including the newly constructed Schnader Hall). 
1977- April: Building demolished. (offices moved to Old Main)

Educational Services (623-625 College Ave.)
1988 - Houses Dean of Freshmen, Associate Dean of Students, Minority Student Adviser, Assistant to the Dean of Students, Residential Programs.
1992 - Houses Dean of Freshmen, Residential Life, Associate Dean of Students, Minority Student Adviser, Assistant to the Dean of Students, Study Abroad.


Fackenthal Laboratories see Harris Center

Fackenthal Library see: Shadek-Fackenthal Library.


Fackenthal Swimming PoolFackenthal Swimming Pool
1930 July 3- Groundbroken.
1930 Sept. 19- Cornerstone laid. see footage
1930/31 - Constructed at a cost of $80,000; ($75,000 funded by B. F. Fackenthal, Jr. (Trustee). John H. Wickersham, Inc., contractor. (Architect probably Charles Z. Klauder). 
1931 Jan. 22 - Opening.
ca. 1946 - Renovation ($15,000).
1995 - Pool closed. 
2001-2003- Converted to Holmberg-Eichmann Dance studio and other TDF space and incorporated into the Roschel Performing Arts Center.


Fackenthal Pool ca. 1941.

Federal Mogul property see: College Row; see Warehouse (501 Harrisburg Pike)

Franklin College. (original buildings.) see: Brew House, Store House, Lancaster County Academy.


Franklin-Meyran Hall (Residence Hall)
1924- Construction begins. Cornerstone laid Dec 12. Funded by the citizens Lancaster City to memorialize Benjamin Franklin and Franklin College & through $50,000 given by L. A. Meyran (Member Board of Trustees); Charles Zeller Klauder (Phila.) architect. Herman Wohlsen, builder. 
1968/69 - Converted into office space.
1977 - Housed: Religious Studies, Philosophy, English, Economics, Business Administration Departments.
1980 - English Department moves to Keiper Liberal Arts Building.
1985 - Renovated and converted from academic offices back to dormitory space.
1990 - Summer: minor renovations.
1999 - Summer: renovated and changed back to offices for Music and Theater, Dance & Film departments; also, music practice rooms, video editing labs and conference room. Building physically attached to Barshinger Center during renovations.(see Hensel Hall)


French House (548 W. James St.)
1984 Fall - established.


Gerhart HouseGerhart House
formerly called: Dean's Residence.

1871 - College cedes 4.5 acres of land (all of campus south of the present library) valued at $5,000 to the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church as it prepares to move from Mercersburg to Lancaster. Houses for Seminary professors and a main building are intended for the site.
1871 - Gerhart House constructed as residence for Seminary professor Rev. E.V. Gerhart at an approx. cost of $7,200. Architect: Samuel Sloan, Philadelphia; Builders: Swartzwelder and Morrow, Lancaster.
1918 - Gerhart House and land (including Alumni House) sold back to Franklin and Marshall College for $20,000.
ca. 1930 - Used as Dean's residence.
ca. 1970 - College Scholar House.
ca. 1975 - Admissions House
1982 - Housed Anthropology, Sociology, Education departments.
1983 - Houses Anthropology and Sociology.


Goethean HallGoethean Hall
(Built to House Goethean Literary Society, moved from Mercersburg to F&M in 1853. Society meetings held in Fulton Hall, among other locations, until new hall constructed.)

1856 Jul. 20 - Cornerstone laid. John D. Bohring/Boering, contractor. Architects probably Thomas and James M. Dixon of Baltimore. The College donated $1000 and loaned $1000 interest-free for the construction of the hall.
1857 Jul. 28 - Unfinished building dedicated.
1857-ca. November- work stops on building due to financial problems.
1859 June- Building completed.
1861 May to June - Rooms on first floor used by surgeons of the 15th PA regiment from Camp Johnston (emergency recruitment camp NW of Lancaster City) for "sleeping apartments".
1893- Steam heat added.
1900- Renovated.
ca. 1970 - Housed art gallery.
1977 - (possibly previously as well) Government Offices; John Crain Kunkel Center for the Study of Government.

Interior of Goethean Hall, 1889.

Green Room Theater see Keiper Liberal Arts Bldg


Grundy ObservatoryGrundy Observatory (Baker Campus, off Wilson Drive)
1966-67 - Constructed at a cost of $125,000. Lee & Thaete Associates, architects. Herman Wohlsen's Sons, Inc., contractors. 
Construction made possible by a $100,000 grant from the Grundy Foundation of Philadelphia. Named after Joseph Ridgway Grundy (1863-1961) Republican delegate to Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1900, 1908, 1920, 1924, 1944; U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, 1929-30.

Grundy Observatory shortly after completion, November 1967.


Guest House see: Alumni House Annex

Gymnasium. see: Biesecker Gymnasium, Distler House., Mayser Physical Education Center., Fackenthal Swimming Pool.


Hackman (Pfeiffer Science Complex)Hackman Physical Sciences Laboratory
Formerly known as Pfeiffer Science Complex.

1966 August - Construction began (cost $4.045 million.) William Lee, Architect. Wohlsen Construction, contractor. Was to be named Elmer H. Bobst Science Center.
1968 Fall- Completed.
1969 Sept. 19 - Dedicated to Gustavus and Louise Pfeiffer. [note: Elmer H. Bobst, trustee, was President of G. & L. Pfeiffer Research Foundation.]
1977 - Housed Geology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Classics, HAPOS.
1992 - Houses Astronomy, Chemistry, Geosciences, Student Telephone Service, Physics.
1997- Pfeiffer reopens after renovations; to be renamed William M. Hackman Physical Sciences Laboratory.

Harbaugh HallHarbaugh Hall (dormitory)
1871 June 28- Cornerstone laid in conjunction with Rauch monument dedication.
1871 - 35'x82' building constructed at a cost of $10,800 and named after Rev. Henry Harbaugh. Samuel Sloan, architect; Swartzwelder and Morrow, builders; Watson H. Miller supervised construction. F&M's first dormitory accommodated 40 students (F & M freshmen were required to room and board in this building; also accommodated Theological students and F & M Academy students). Up to 100 students could be fed in the building's dining area.
1900 Apr. 30 - Razed to make room for the construction of the Science Building. (now Stager Hall)

Harris Center for Business, Government, and Public PolicyHarris Center for Business, Government, and Public Policy
formerly known as Fackenthal Laboratories

1928 Dec 19- Groundbreaking. Funded by $200,000 gift by (and named after) Benjamin Franklin Fackenthal, Jr. (President of Board of Trustees 1915 - 1941); cost ca. $250,000 including biology equipment; Charles Zeller Klauder, architect. D.S Warfel, contractor. A brick arcade (removed in 1963) connected it to Biesecker Gymnasium.
1929 April 30- Cornerstone laid. see footage
1929 Nov. 1 - Dedication. Address by Charles M. Schwab, president of Bethlehem Steel Co.
1949 - Addition constructed ($286,400) and $90,000 of new equipment purchased. Addition dedicated October 29th.
1969 - Summer: basement renovated to house the Middle Atlantic Education & Research Center (MERC) computers.
1972 - Major building renovation and doubling of laboratory space. Cost $1.1 million.
1983 - Dedication of the Arthur Willard Shively Greenhouses, Dept. of Biology. 
2008-2009- Renovated at a cost of $16 million to house the departments of Business Organizations and Society, Government, Floyd Institute for Public Policy, and Information Technology Services offices. Renamed Patricia E. Harris Center for Business, Government, and Public Policy after Patti Harris (F&M 1977). Turner Construction, contractor; Einhorn, Yaffee, Prescott, architects.
2009 Oct. 10- Harris Center dedicated.

Fackenthal Lab under construction 1929.

Harrisburg Pike Pedestrian Bridge
1991 July- Pre-fabricated bridge installed and Williamson parking lot improvements completed at a cost of $400,000. David Lynch and Associates, architects; Warfel Construction, contractor. 
2010 July- Bridge removed as part of campus master plan.

Hartman GreenHartman Green
Former site of Hartman Hall (see below) and the Hartman Oval (so named due to the oval driveway in the area that led from College Avenue to Hartman Hall and circled back to College Avenue.
ca. 1975-1976- Created after the demolition of Hartman Hall and the Oval.
1978- Dedicated as Hartman Green, named after Edwin M. Hartman, principal of the F&M Academy and namesake of Hartman Hall.

Hartman Green in 1982.

Hartman Hall also called: Academy Building/New Academy BuildingHartman Hall also called: Academy Building/New Academy Building

1907-1908 - Constructed for use by F & M Academy; Cost of $100,000 partly funded by a $37,500 gift from Andrew Carnegie. Designed by Newman and Harris, New York, architects. P. Breneman, Lancaster, contractor. 
1908-Dedicated in June. Opened in September. 1943 - F & M Academy permanently closed; F & M College took over property, served as dorm and dining hall for V-5/V-12 Naval cadets.
1946 June 29- Building re-dedicated as Hartman Hall after Edwin M. Hartman (F&M 1895) Principal of the Academy 1897-1943. see footage
ca 1946 - Kepler Chapel converted into dormitory for 50 beds. D.S. Warfel- contractor.
ca. 1950-1975-Houses student center.
1975 - razed.

Hartman Oval see: Hartman Green and Hartman Hall

Harwood Commons (formerly Appel Infirmary)
August 2016 - renovation of Appel Infirmary begins 
February 10, 2017 - dedication of new Harwood Commons 
Houses the Office of Student & Post-Graduate Development (OSPGD) and The Ware Institute for Civic Engagement

Lead gift of $1.5M from Brett Harwood '71
Atkin Olshin Schade Architects, Philadelphia, Pa
Wagman Construction, York, Pa

Hensel HallHensel Hall/ Barshinger Center for Musical Arts 
1925- Construction begins. Cornerstone laid November 13. Named after William Uhler Hensel (F & M Trustee, 1890-1915); Charles Zeller Klauder, architect. Cost $650,000
1927 Feb. 4 - Dedicated. 
1927-1937- Mainstage for F&M plays until Green Room in Keiper Hall built
1937- Used for lectures, special events, commencements, concerts, etc.
1998-2000- Extensively renovated at a cost of $8 million. Ann Beha Architects-architect. Major funding provided by Ann and Richard Barshinger (F&M 1943).
2000 March 25- (re)dedicated as the Ann and Richard Barshinger Center for Musical Arts in Hensel Hall. 
2010- Cupola restored.

View of original interior of Hensel Hall before extensive alterations of 1999-2000.

Herman Art CenterHerman Arts Center
1969-1970 - Constructed; named after Jacob Leon Herman (F & M 1916). Cost $600,000. Architects: Fisher, Nes, and Campbell- Baltimore, MD. Only half of the original plan constructed due to lack of funds.
1970-Sept 17- Dedicated during convocation ceremonies.
2001- Renovated and air conditioning added.
2015 - 2-story elevator added to north end of building.
2017/18 - Raised to make room for new Winter Visual Arts Center

1970 view of recently completed Art Center.

Hillel House (645 College Ave.) also known as Beth Shalom (1972-1974)

1966 - Occupied suite in Ben Franklin (15 Schaeffer).
ca. 1968 - Moved to 645 College Ave. 
2008 Spring- razed for construction of Klehr Center for Jewish Life. 


Huegel Alumni House and Alumni House annex. see: Alumni House.


Ice RinkIce Rink (Once located on current site of College Square and ASFC)

December 1983- site of former Posey Iron Works purchased by the College.
1985 - Buildings and grounds house recreational areas, community hockey rink (located in space leased from College by Lancaster Youth Hockey League).
1987- Large portrait mosaic images of Benjamin Franklin and John Marshall added to ice rink building. 
1992- Majority of Posey Iron works buildings razed. 
1994 May 5-Ice rink building razed.

Ice Rink during demolition 1994

Infirmary see: Appel Infirmary, East Hall.

International House (611 College Ave.)
formerly Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity.
ca. 1975 - Zau Beta Tau entered into rental agreement of 611 College Ave from F&M.
1988 - Property claimed by F&M (post deregulation of fraternities and sororities).
1990 - Renovated and converted into housing for international students.


Janitor's House. see: Buchannan House.

John Joseph International Center (701 College Avenue)
2006- Constructed on site of razed Career Services house. Named after John Joseph, F&M professor of history 1961-1988. Made possible through $500,000 gift by Andrew Schindler, F&M 1972. Tippetts/Weaver Architects, architect. Cost $975,000. Construction completed August 28.
2006 Oct. 6- Dedicated.


Kaufman Hall
formerly Kaufman Lecture Hall

1967-68- Constructed at a cost of approx. $400,000 in conjunction with the Pfeiffer Science Complex. Made possible with a $250,000 gift from philanthropist Morgan S. Kaufman and named for his brother David E. Kaufman, a career diplomat. Houses classrooms and large science-lecture auditorium. 
1969 Sept. 19 - Dedicated as Kaufman Lecture Hall.
2010- Auditorium renovated with a gift from F&M trustee Lawrence and Rita Bonchek and renamed Lisa Bonchek Adams '91 Auditorium in Kaufman Hall. Dedicated February 27th.


Keiper Liberal Arts Building ConstructionKeiper Liberal Arts Building
also called: Liberal Arts Bldg.

1936- Construction begins. see footage 
Cornerstone laid November 16. Funded by Caroline S. Keiper in memory of husband Lanious B. Keiper (member of Board of Trustees 1910-1917); W. H. Lee, Architect (Phila.) D.S.Warfel -contractor. Houses Little Room (later Green Room) Theater
1937 Oct 16- Dedicated during F&M Sesquicentennial celebration.
ca 1943 to 1946 - Houses Aeronautical Laboratory containing flight simulators located on 3rd fl. & basement. 
1977 - Housed Language Departments, Drama, Green Room Theatre, Audio-Visual Center.
1977 - Green Room Theatre renovated (cost $175,000.)
1979 - Audio-Visual Center moved to Diagnothian Hall.
1980 - Renovations.; English and Art Departments added.
1984 - Housed: Languages, Arts, Drama, English, Green Room Theatre, Study Abroad.
1992 - Writing Center moves in. 
1994 - Theatre, Dance and Film department included.
1993 - Tree falls on Keiper breaking several windows. 
2007 - Green Room Theatre entrance vestibule and terrace restored. Warfel Construction, contractor.


Klauder-Apple Walk
Name designated to the walkway located between Dietz-Santee and Franklin-Meyran Halls leading toward Steinman College Center from Stager Hall. Dedicated to Philadelphia architect Charles Z. Klauder (1872-1938) and F&M President Henry H. Apple (1869-1943), the walkway forms the main north-south axis for Klauder's 1924 campus plan for forming a campus quadrangle of new buildings including Dietz-Santee and Franklin-Meyran, along with Hensel Hall and Biesecker Gymnasium.

Klehr Center for Jewish Life (645 College Avenue)

2008- Constructed at a cost of $2 million to replace old Hillel House. Jacobs/Wyper architects; Wohlsen Construction, contractor. Named after trustee Susan Kline Klehr '73 and Leonard M. Klehr, Esq. '72, major donors.

2008 October 24- Dedicated


Kneedler Sculpture Garden
2002- Constructed to honor retired College president Richard Kneedler.
2003 April- Dedicated. Contains etched glass and stainless steel sculpture entitled Perspective.


Franklin CollegeLancaster County Academy (Franklin College) 1827 - Building constructed at Orange and Lime St. at a cost of $2,325 to house the classical school Lancaster County Academy (closed 1839).
1840 Aug. - Franklin College purchased building (cost $593.34); constructed addition (cost $1972) and a separate janitor's house (cost $1,000). John Sehner, builder.
1853 Jun. to 1856 - Used by Franklin and Marshall College during construction of Old Main. 
1856 April - Sold at public auction for $5600 to John Wise; converted into four homes.


Lee J. Fox, Jr. Memorial Courts
1946 - Three all-weather tennis/volleyball Courts (which could be used as two basketball courts) and four handball courts constructed adjacent to Williamson Field. Reynolds Paving Co., builder. The Tennis courts apparently replaced old unpaved courts on the southwest end of Williamson Field.
1946 November 9 - Dedicated to Ensign Lee J. Fox, Jr. USN killed December 7, 1941. 
1960 - razed for construction of Mayser Center and Williamson Field Parking lot.


Liberal Arts Building see: Keiper Liberal Arts Building.

Library see: Martin Library of the Sciences, Shadek-Fackenthal Library. Watts de Peyster Library

Literary Society Buildings see: Diagnothian Hall , Goethean Hall .


Main Building see: Old Main Academy Building. (Franklin and Marshall Academy).

Marshall-Buchanan Hall (Residence Hall)
1956 - Constructed at a cost of $715,000 to house 216 students. Dedicated October 20, 1956. William Lee, architect. D.S. Warfel, contractor.
1976 - Housed Campus Ministry; Lecture Hall.
1978 - Lecture Hall converted to Dance Studio.
1981 - Housed Security Services and the Dance Studio.
1982 Oct 23 - Mary Sachs Study and Reception Room dedicated.
1990 - Summer: minor renovations.
1990 - Oct. F&M Children's Center to replace Marshall-Buchannan 'Pit'.
1995 - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered & Allies Resource Center opens in room 012 of the Buchannan basement.
Sometime between 1995 and 2001 - LGBT&A moves from 012 Buchanan to 17 Buchanan
2001 Spring -Mi Gente Latina Resource Center opens in room 010, Buchanan
2001 Fall - The College Dispatch relocates their offices from Diagnothian Hall to 019 Marshall-Buchanan
2008- Announcement of plans to construct Brooks College House Commons (for students of the formerly named MBT House) to be constructed through a gift of Robert J. Brooks F&M '66 and Susan C. Brooks and Melissa and James Brooks '98.   Architect - MGA Partners, Philadelphia, PA.
2010 Feb. 26- Brooks College House Commons dedicated.


Marshall CollegeSociety Hall See also: Theological Seminary-Mercersburg

1836- established in Mercersburg, PA. by the German Reformed church. Classes held and housing located in Theological Seminary building.
1838- 15 acres of land at a cost of $1750 purchased on opposite side of Mercersburg for Marshall College campus. Plans made to construct new preparatory school building and main college building.
1841- Temporary building in town used by preparatory school destroyed by fire.
ca. 1841- New Preparatory school buidling and Professor's house constructed on campus. Main college building never constructed.
1844-1847- Goethean and Diagnothian Literary Society Halls constructed in Greek Revival style at approx. cost of $5000 each. Goethean cornerstone laid August 28, 1844 (Goethe's birthday). Dedicated August 28, 1846. Diagnothian cornerstone laid July 4, 1845. Dedicated July 2, 1847.
ca. 1853- Land and buildings sold. Used by newly established Marshall Academy, later renamed Marshall Collegiate Institute, 1853-1865 and subsequently Mercersburg College, 1865-1893.
1883- Old Goethean Hall destroyed by fire.

Marshall Gate
1896-97 - Brick gateway to campus constructed in conjunction with landscaping/grading improvements made for 1000 feet along College Avenue. The gateway and grading replaced the College's old wooden fence along College Avenue. 
1975 Sept. 20- Gateway rededicated the Marshall Gate in honor of Henry J. Marshall (1898-1967) a distinguished alumni (Class of 1919) and trustee.

Martin Library of the Sciences
1988 Fall- 1990 Fall - Constructed; Shepley Bulfinch Richardson & Abbott (Boston, MA), architect.Warfel Construction Co.- contractor. Houses the science library, academic computing, and computer services. 
1991 Apr. 12 - dedicated to Aaron J. Martin (F&M 1950, former Chairman / Board of Trustees)


Mayser Physical Education Center ConstructionCharles W. Mayser Physical Education Center

see also: Distler House. Fackenthal Swimming Pool. Biesecker Gymnasium.

1960 Nov. 5 - Groundbroken. Project incorporated old Biesecker Gymnasium and Fackenthal Pool with a new field house. Ten outdoor tennis courts and a 435- car parking area (Williamson lot) also part of project. Named for Charles Mayser, longtime coach and athletic director. William Lee, Architect. Cost $1.23 Million. John H. Wickersham Engineering and Construction, builder.
1961 - Adjacent Tennis courts completed.
1962 February 21 - Opened. 
1962 June 2 - Dedicated.
1997/8 - Four new portable squash courts constructed in Mayser basement.
2005 Dec.- Tennis courts removed for construction of Barshinger Life Sciences Building.
2011 Feb 19- Basketball court named Glenn Robinson Court after F&M Head Basketball Coach Glenn Robinson who recently completed 40 years at F&M and earned 800 career wins.

Construction of Mayser Center, 1961.


Meyran Hall. see: Franklin-Meyran Hall.

Monument to CyropaediaMonument to Cyropaedia 
1872 June- Marble obelisk erected by the Class of 1872. Dedicated during the June 26 1872 Class Day excercises. Located between Harbaugh Hall and Diagnothian Hall, roughly the present site of Keiper Hall. Dedicated to the Greek historian Xenophon's work Cyropaedia.
1873 ca. May- Monument knocked over, dragged off campus and vandalized.
1873 ca. December- Mounument re-erected through the efforts of the editors of the college newspaper College Days.
1880s- Monument toppled and vandalized a second time; removed and placed into storage in the basement of Harbaugh Hall. Re-erected ca. May 1887 by Harbaugh Hall residents. Date of permanment removal unknown.

Murray Arts House (560 West James St.)
1984 Fall - Established as Arts House; formerly Phi Kappa Psi house.
1988 Oct. 21 - Renamed Murray House in honor of Paul G. Murray (F & M 1916).

Museum (F & M). see Goethean Hall, East Hall, Stager Hall , Steinman College Center, North Museum.


Nevin Chapel see Old Main.

Nevin House see: Alumni House.

Nevonia see: President's House (1205 Marietta Ave.)

New Academy Building see: Hartman Hall.


New College House see: Roschel College House.


North Campus (opposite F&M on Harrisburg Pike) see Ice Rink, College Square, Alumni Sports and Fitness Center, Warehouse, Brooks Tennis Center, Athletic Turf Field.


North MuseumNorth Museum
1951 May 13 - Groundbreaking. see footage
1951-1953 - Constructed; named for Hugh M. North and funded in part by North family ($230,400). D.S. Warfel- contractor.
1953 Oct. 11 - dedication.
1984 - Housed the Planetarium and the College Art Collections. 
1992 - North Museum also housed the Gifted Students Program.
1992- College Collections moved to Rothman Gallery in the College Center.
1993 - Franklin and Marshall turns control of the North Museum over to the North Museum Corporation.
1993 - Planetarium renovations.

Students pose in front of the recently completed North Museum while moving specimens from the former Stahr Hall museum, 1953.


Observatory see: Scholl Observatory, Grundy Observatory.

Obstacle Course ca. 1944 - constructed for use by Navy V-12 and V-5 programs; located on Williamson Field.

Old Academy Building see East Hall (Franklin and Marshall Academy).

Old Gym see: Distler House.

Old Main (1900)Old Main
(F&M) also called: College Building, Recitation Hall.

1854 January- Construction began. Haden Patrick Smith, contractor. Dixon, Balburnie & Dixon of Baltimore, MD, architects.
1854 Jul. 24 - Cornerstone laid.
1856 May 16- Dedicated. (cost $18,020 contract price plus $3,582.00 material cost overruns and $425.19 labor overrun.); first building of Franklin and Marshall College on present campus and known as "the College Building"; gothic revival architecture; listed on National Register of Historic Places. Tower height 121 feet.
1856 - College Chapel located on second floor of Old Main. 
1856 to 1873 - Some rooms used by Preparatory Department of F & M College.
1865- St. Stephens Reformed congregation organized. Worshipped in College chapel.
1871 to 1894 - Rooms in building used by Theological Seminary after their move from Mercersburg, PA..
1873 - Back wing constructed and Chapel enlarged. $5,000 cost. John Adam Burger, builder. 
Chapel Interiorca. 1888- 10 stained glass windows and provision for four additional, special memorial windows, added to College chapel through efforts of students. One memorial window commemorates the Heidelberg catechism. A fifth memorial window commemorates John Williamson Nevin who died in 1886. 
1892- Class of 1857 adds stained glass window, a memorial to B. Franklin and J. Marshall, to College chapel. By this period the building is known as "Recitation Hall", a name that goes out of fashion by 1910. 
1896- Original bell in tower replaced with a new bell commissioned by Mrs. George N. Forney in memory of her son Jacob Wirt Forney (F&M 1881). Bell manufactured by Meneely Bell Co. of Troy, NY. 
1906 - Described as containing seven lecture rooms, YMCA room and College Chapel.
1906 - Chapel renovated at a cost of $2,000; Frescoes by J.H. Lamb of New York added; New carpeting and opalescent windows installed; paid for by St. Stephen's congregation.
1910 - Dual stairway replacing old curved stairway and additional fire exits constructed. Building first becomes known as old "Main Hall" or "Old Main" around this time.
1918 - Used as a barracks during World War I.
1928 - St. Stephens congregation (worshipping in College chapel) dissolved. 
1975 - Interior renovated (cost $442,000) for central administration offices.
1977 - Administrative area named William F. Brossman Center for College Administration. - Housed Nevin Chapel, Administrative Offices: President, Vice Presidents of: Finance, Administration, Deans, Development, Public Relations, Publications.
1979 - Publications moved to Central Services building.
1978 - Added Vice President for Budget and Planning.
1980 - Publications moved back in addition to Special Events.
1983 - Houses College Controller.
1984 - Houses: Nevin Chapel, Brossman Center for Administration, Development.
1986 - Old Main holds: Nevin Chapel, Brossman Center for Administration, Public Relations, Personnel, Gifted Children's Program, FOCUS, Special Events, Study Abroad.
1988 - Graphics department added. 
1989 - Entrance foyer and stairwell restored; Commonwealth Partnership moves in. 
1991 - Chapel Renovated - Reese, Patrick, Lower & Scott- architects. Warfel Construction Co.-contractor. Renamed Harold T. Miller (F&M 1947) Lecture & Recital Hall;; Central Pennsylvania Consortium added. 
1992 - Nevin Chapel rededicated as Miller Lecture & Recital Hall; Office of International Students and HEDS Consortium added. 
1995 - Old Main houses Harold T. Miller Lecture and Recital Hall, President, V.P. for Alumni Programs and Development, V.P. of the College/Dean of Educational Services, Administrative V.P., V.P. for Finance, V.P. for Educational Services/Dean of Students, College Relations, Office of International Students, Publications.
2010- Brick work on facade restored and upper parts of towers/spires extensively reconstructed. Caretti, Inc. contractors.


Other Room Theatre (715 N. Pine St.)
1985 - Moves from Stahr hall to North Pine Street. 


Patricia E. Harris Center for Business, Government, and Public Policy see Harris Center

Pfeiffer Science Complex See Hackman Physical Sciences Laboratory


Philadelphia Alumni Writers House (631-633 College Ave.)
2004 March-September- Constructed to house special interest Writers house. Architect-Wendy Tippetts (F&M 1978) of Tippetts/ Weaver Architects. 
2004 Oct. 22- Dedicated as Philadelphia Alumni Writers House after Philadelphia-area alumni who contributed a large endowment for programs. Dodge Reading room, funded by Dodge family, named after Arthur B. Dodge Jr. (F&M 1947)


Phillips Museum of Art See Steinman College Center

Physical Plant/Power Plant See Central Services


President's HousePresident's House (former locations)
1890 to 1909 -Located at 437 W. James St. (formerly J. S. Stahr residence; later owned by Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity.)
1915/6 to 1966 - Alumni House used as residence for the President of the college.
1966 - F & M purchased 120 N. School Lane property from Mary Zimmerman Atlee (F & M Trustee); built in 1906 by Allen A. Herr; expanded 1917.
1967 Jan. - Spalding moves to School Lane property.
1971 Jan. - Fire damaged 2nd floor bedroom.
1991- Feb. 25 announced decision to place President's House up for sale. Kneedler's to vacate at summer's end.


President's House "Nevonia" (1205 Marietta Avenue)
1933 - Built in the Colonial Revival style. Owned by Ralph Hull, Vice President of PPL
2002- June 14 , Purchased by the College at a cost of $1.1 million. Named "Nevonia" after 19th-century F&M president John Williamson Nevin who lived nearby and for whom students during his presidency referred to themselves as "Nevonians" and the College as "Nevonia".


Protest TreeProtest Tree
Between 1880-1920- White Ash tree (Fraxinus americana) located near Distler House planted. While documented tree plantings occurred in 1880 and 1885, period photos from 1892, 1902, and 1906 are unclear in showing this tree in this location. The tree is clearly documented in a 1930s view of Distler (Campus) House and appears to be of some age (approx 8-12 inches in diameter).
Late 1950s or early 1960s- The tree's proximity to a large campus bulletin board and central location results in students beginning to use the tree to post protests of campus food, College administration policies, the Vietnam war, and in favor of coeducation.


Psychology Laboratory. see: Whitely Psychological Laboratory.


Quonset HutsQuonset Huts
ca 1946 - Huts, located in area now occupied by Pfeiffer Science Complex, were donated by the federal government and used as temporary classrooms, offices, and storage space; later used by Air Force ROTC.
? - flight simulators moved from Keiper to huts. 
1966-1967- Razed for construction of Pfieffer Science Center and Thomas Hall.



Rauch MonumentRauch Monument
Formerly located in front of Goethean Hall near corner of present Library.

1871, June 28 - Dedicated to Frederick Augustus Rauch (1806-1841) first president of Marshall College from 1836-1841. Sculpted by Davoust Kern of Mercersburg, Pa. The monument symbolically represents Rauch as the Christian philosopher and contained finely detailed relief sculptures of a seated Dr. Rauch studying philosophical and theological texts. Sponsored by the Synod of the Reformed Church and the F&M Alumni Association. 
1892 - Moved to Rauch's gravesite in Lancaster Cemetery where it remains today.

Recitation Hall see: Old Main

Richards Hall
(located on the campus of the Lancaster Theological Seminary; used as a residence hall for F & M students from ca. 1980 ? - )

1992- Richards Hall and Dining Hall, used by F&M, to close after the next academic year.

Roschel Performing Arts Center
2001-2003- $12.4 million center constructed to house 302 seat mainstage theater, costume and scene shops and dance studios for the Theater, Dance, and Film department. Incorporated parts of the Mayser Center and the old Fackenthal Pool. R. M. Kliment & Frances Halsband- architects. Named after Robert Roschel (F&M 1954). Warfel Construction Co., builder.
2003 Oct. 24- Dedicated.

Roschel College House
2009 Oct 9- Construction begins with Groundbreaking for $25 million new College House. Designed in Georgian Revival style by the firm Robert A.M. Stern Architects. 
2011 Spring- 63,000 sq. ft. building completed. Landscaping includes rain gardens.
2011 October 21- Building Dedication.
2020 October 2 - $6.5 million gift from Dr. Robert ’54 and Anna Roschel to rename New College House as Roschel College House.

Rothman Gallery see Steinman College Center


Santee Hall see: Dietz-Santee Hall.

Schnader Hall (Residence Hall)
1958 April - Construction begins on new dormitory to house 196 students. Facilities include a dining hall, lounge, laundry, recreation room, study room, and tv room.
1959 Oct. 9 - Dedicated in honor of William A. Schnader (F&M 1908) chairman of the F&M Board of Trustees. 1990 - Summer: minor renovations

Scholl ObservatoryScholl Observatory
1884-1886 - Constructed; funded by $10,000 gift from Mrs. James Hood and named in memory of her father, Daniel Scholl; dedicated on Jun. 16 1886. Total cost $13,579 (Building cost- $3,000 for building plus $2,000 steel dome constructed by Grubb & Sons, Dublin Ireland. Equipment cost-$8,579 total including $4,199 for 11" Respold Telescope (Hamburg, Germany) with $2,200 lens manufactured by Alvin Clark & Sons, Cambridge, MA and $2,180 for chronometer, chronograph, transit, clock and other misc. equipment.)
1889 - Functioned as one of the official PA. weather stations.
1925 - Building moved 200 yds. north of original site to make way for dormitory construction (Dietz-Santee Hall). 
1927 - Addition constructed at a cost of $2,300.
ca. 1946 - Major repairs ($2,500).
1966 Oct.- Razed.

View of the Scholl Observatory on its original site shortly before moving in 1925. Franklin-Meyran Hall is seen under construction in the foreground.


Science Building see: Stager Hall.

Sculpture see: Campus Art.


September 11, 2001 Memorial GardenSeptember 11, 2001 Memorial Garden 
2002 September 11- Bronze tablet dedicated to Franklin and Marshall College victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks unveiled. Plans for a memorial garden (to be located adjacent to Dietz-Santee Hall) dedicated to victims of the attacks is announced. 
2003- Garden dedicated.


Fackenthal Library LobbyShadek-Fackenthal Library
formerly called Fackenthal Library

1937 April- Construction begins see footage. Built on site of former Watts de Peyster Library; named after and funded by B. F. Fackenthal, Jr. (F & M Trustee)
1937 July 28- cornerstone laid; W. H. Lee, Architect (Phila.) D.S. Warfel, builder. see footage
1938 May 31 - Fackenthal Library dedicated. Cost $250,000. Lobby contains Mural"Research, Practical and Philosophical, Looks to the Past and Future in Generations of Men" painted by John C. Wonsetler of Moylan, PA. 
1948 Spring- Passenger/freight elevator and new book elevator installed. Additional shelving and new book stack areas added. D.S. Warfel- contractor.
1979 - Housed the Writing Center.
1981-1983 - Enlarged and renovated at a cost of $4.1 million.
1983 Oct. 15 - Dedication of renovation and addition; renamed Shadek-Fackenthal Library after Arthur Shadek, member of Board of Trustees and major donor to library renovation.
1984 - College Archives and Academy Room opened (built as part of the renovations).
1991- Smoker's room removed.

Shadek Stadium

2016 November - construction begins
HSK Architects, Turner Construction, est. cost $17M. Lead gift of $5M from Larry Shadek '72.
2017 October 21 - Stadium dedicated during Homecoming Weekend 2017
Contains Synthetic Turf Field, Grandstand seating for 2,500 fans, Concession Stand, Training Room, Locker Rooms, Entertainment Suite, and Press Box.

Spalding Plaza
1985-April 9, Dedicated to Keith Spalding former F&M president.
Former site of East Hall, razed in 1978. Also known as the sculpture garden. Contained sculpture Three Lines Horizontal by George Rickey. 
2002- Plaza removed for construction of Roschel Performing Arts Center.

Stager HallStager Hall
formerly called: Stahr Hall, Science Building, Administration Building.

1900-1902 - Constructed in Beaux Arts style at a cost of $59,000 on former site of Harbaugh Hall; Designed by C. Emlen Urban; built by George Gesell; groundbreaking May 7, 1900, cornerstone laid June 13, 1900.
1902 Jun. 11 - Dedication. Address by Edgar F. Smith, vice-provost Univ. of Penn. Chemical Laboratory donated by Milton S. Hershey at a cost of $5,000; Biology Department ($5,000) donated by family of Bernard Wolff, Jr.; Geological Department and President's office furnished by Charles F. Rengier; Anatomical room furnished by Dr. John L. Atlee (F&M 1896); Photographic darkroom donated by Paul Heine.
1906- Housed chemistry, biology, physics, geology laboratories, lecture halls, the college museum and the president's office.
1929 - Remodeled ($30,000.); contained classrooms, administrative offices, physics lab. 1935 Nov. 9 - name changed to Stahr Hall [John Summers Stahr President, F & M, 1890 - 1909].
1952 - New red-brick wing additions constructed, new roof installed, new electrical services ($285,000). Remodeling of original structure deferred due to lack of funds. D.S. Warfel- contractor.
1953 - Museum moved from Stahr Hall to North Museum building.
1958 - Renovation of old portion of building and refacing of entire structure in red-brick completed. 
1959- College administrative offices move out of building (to East Hall).
1960 - Renovation.
1977 - Housed: Education, Mathematics, Sociology, Anthropology, History, Other Room Theatre.
1982 - Housed: Mathematics, History, Writing Center, Other Room Theatre.
1984 - Mathematics, History, Religious Studies, Philosophy, Economics
1985 - Jan. - Business Administration added. 
1984-1985 - Extensive renovation at a cost of $1.8 million, David Lynch and Associates, architects.Warfel Construction-contractor. Now holds Mathematics, History, Religious Studies, Philosophy, Economics, Business Administration, and Instructional Media Services. 
1988 - Oct. 20 - Re-dedicated Stager Hall after Henry Stager (Hon. F & M 1987); contains Stahr auditorium. 
1993 - Feb. 5 - New Language Resource Center dedicated. Instructional Media Services now Academic Technology Services and the LRC. 
1994 - Three new 'smart' classrooms open; S102, S105, S215 equipped with new technology.

Stahr Hall see: Stager Hall above

Steinman College Center ConstructionSteinman College Center
also known as the College Center.

1973 Sept.- Construction begins. Minoru Yamasaki, architect. Wohlsen Construction, contractor. Constructed at a cost of $4.6 million.
1973 October 5 - Formal groundbreaking ceremony held.
1976 May 29 - Building opens. Initially housed: Campus Bookstore and Post Office, Gamerooms, Common ground, College Reporter Offices, etc.
1977 November 18 - College announces that College Center will be named after John F. and J. Hale Steinman, publishers of Lancaster's three newspapers and local philanthropists.
1978 October 19 - Formally dedicated to John Frederick Steinman and Col. James Hale Steinman.
1980 - Housed: Bookstore, Dana Room, Buchanan Room, The Common Ground, Post Office.
1984 - Listing now includes Booth Ferris Room on the 2nd floor.
1985 - Contains: Dana Room, Buchanan Room, Campus Post Office, Bookstore, Booth-Ferris Room, Common Ground, Armstrong Room, Band Room. 
1987 - Steinman also gets Mailing Services.
1989 - College Center now also houses WFNM, Oriflamme, and College Entertainment Committee Offices. 
1992 - Bookstore moved to College Square - basement space converted into Rothman Art Gallery (Reese, Patrick, Lower & Scott- architects. Warfel Construction Co.-contractor. Women's Center also added. 
1996- Locks changed after theft of master key.
2000-Rothman Gallery, Dana Room and other spaces joined and renovated at a cost of $800,000 to become Phillips Museum of Art. David Lynch Associates, architects.
2000 October 13- Phillips Museum of Art dedicated. Named after Virginia and Thomas G. Phillips (F&M 1954) major donors.
2003- Buchanan Room reopens after renovation. 
2010-2011- Phillips Museum renovated and expanded to include Nissley Gallery (made possible by a gift of Emily and Thomas W. Nissley (F&M 1955)). Rededicated October 21, 2011. Galleries include the Dana Gallery, Gibson Gallery, Nissley Gallery, Rothman Gallery and (outdoor) Kneedler Sculpture Garden.

Store HouseStore House (Franklin College. located at N. Queen St., near James St.) Originally built as a government storehouse for military supplies.

1788 Spring - Became second building to house Franklin College.
1832 - Building rented to "Infant School".
1840 Sep - Building sold for $2,000. to John Gable; eventually converted into 6 houses (433-48 N. Queen St.)

Student Aid (617 College Ave.)
1992 - Student Aid moves into 617 College Ave. from Distler House.

Student Life Building (619 College Ave.) 
1985 - Housed the Dean of Freshmen and Residential Life
1986 - Added Associate Dean of Students, Minority Student Adviser/Alternative housing Coordinator, Assistant to the Dean of Students. 
1988 - Offices move to 623-625 College Ave. (Educational Services)


Tennis Courts see also Lee J. Fox Memorial Courts and Brooks Tennis Center

Earliest, presumably unpaved, tennis courts located on site of Hensel Hall (razed about 1924) as well as southwest end of Williamson Field. Additional courts added north of New Academy building (Hartman Hall) ca. 1908. These courts razed about 1966 for construction of Pfieffer Science Center.

The Studio (New St.)
1977 - Housed art.
1987 - Termed the "New Street Studio"

Seminary of the Reformed Church-MercersburgTheological Seminary of the Reformed Church-Mercersburg See also: Marshall College.

1835-1836 - Moves from York, PA to Mercersburg. The affiliated classical school becomes Marshall College.
1836 August 17- Cornerstone laid for Theological Seminary main building. 
1836 November- Building completed at a cost of $9,500. Nicolas Pearse/Pierce of Chambersburg, contractor. Contains 44 rooms including 34 dorm rooms, several recitation and lecture rooms, a library, prayer hall, and refectory.
1836-1852- Main building houses Marshall College classes and students. 
1838-1839- Adjacent "North Cottage" constructed as housing for Marshall College President Rauch. Completed summer 1839. Cost $2,600. Jacob Hossler, contractor.
1839 November 1- Adjacent "South Cottage" completed as housing for the Professor of Theology. P. Ritterhaus and Co., contractors. Cost $3,200.
1871- Seminary moves to Lancaster. Old buildings leased to and later sold (1884) to Mercersburg College. Now used by Mercersburg Academy, established 1893. 
1927 January 9- Main building destroyed by fire. Later rebuilt.

Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church-Lancaster (later, Lancaster Theological Seminary)
Note: not an F&M property but historically affiliated.

1871- Theological Seminary moves to Lancaster from Mercersburg, Pa. Four and one-half acres of College land on southern end of campus ceded to Seminary for the construction of professors' houses and a main building. Two houses constructed (see Alumni House and Gerhart House) but main building is never built.
1871-1894 - Seminary operates in rooms in the College building (Old Main).
1893 - Land purchased for Seminary buildings at the corner of College and James Streets for $10,875
1893 May 11 - Groundbreaking held for main building and library. Architect: Francis Howse Cruess (1867-1948) of the firm of John C. Smith architects of Harrisburg.
1893 June 15 - Cornerstone laid.
1894 May 10 - Administration (Main) building and Library building dedicated.
1916-1917 - Seminary constructs Dormitory and Refectory on its campus. Buildings dedicated October 18, 1917.
1918 - Seminary sells 4.5 acres of land and Seminary professors houses at south end of the College campus back to the College for $20,000.


Thomas Hall (Residence Hall)Thomas Hall (Residence Hall)
1967 June-Construction begins.
1968 Fall- Completed at a cost of $1.3 million. Housed 171 students.
1973 Nov. 9 - Dedicated to Mr. & Mrs. Clyde E. Thomas (F&M 1912).
1985 - Renovated.
2001 -New fire alarm system installed to remedy problem of alarms not being heard inside. suites.

View of Thomas Hall shortly after completion, 1969. 

TS Stone Marker"T.S." stone marker
Located behind Alumni House near Buchanan Park boundary. This survey marker denoted the boundary between Theological Seminary and College land. The approx. four acres below the marker, extending to Buchanan Avenue and bounded by College Avenue and Buchanan Park (the present site of Gerhart and Alumni houses, Herman Arts and the North Museum), was ceded to the Seminary by the College in 1871. In 1898, the Seminary sold a 50 foot strip of land adjacent to the College back to the College for $1.00 after the Watts-de Peyster Library was inadvertently built over part of the Seminary land. (The original Seminary land extended as far north as the south wall of Buchanan House). The T.S. marker was apparently placed in 1898 to avoid future confusion. In 1918 the Seminary sold the four acres and the houses constucted for Seminary professors (see Alumni house and Gerhart house) back to the College for $20,000.

Tylus Field
2007- All-weather synthetic turf athletic field constructed on the site of the former Kimmel Scrapyard along Harrisburg Pike.
2008- Pavilion constructed and dedicated October 11 as Ken Gramas '88 Memorial Pavilion in memory of Kenneth Gramas F&M 1988. 
2009 May- Named Tylus Field through gift of Ginger and Kevin Tylus parents of Kelsey Tylus (F&M 2009) and supporters of F&M Division III athletics.


Ware College House Commons see: Benjamin Franklin Residence Hall


Warehouse (501 Harrisburg Pike ) 1991 June- Building purchased as part of former Bearings Company of America (Lancaster Bearings Company) and Federal-Mogul Corporation 3.1 acre complex.
ca. 1993-94- Large factory structure along Harrisburg Pike razed. Adjacent office building designed in 1921 by Henry Y. Shaub remained until razed in 2006.
2006 August-Sept.- Warehouse razed for construction of College Row.


Warehouse (415 Harrisburg Pike)
2005- College receiving warehouse moves into this building, once part of the Champion Forge and Blower Co. complex.


Water TowersWater Towers (owned by the City of Lancaster Water Department, located in Buchanan Park.) Popularly known on campus as "George" and "Martha".

1925- First ("pointy") tower built by the Posey Iron Works. Height 76 ft. Held 1 million gallons.
1931-1932- Second ("domed")tower built. Height 90 ft. Held 5 million gallons.
1996- Both towers (unused, obsolete, and deteriorating) razed.
1999-2003- Site used as a dog park.


Watts de Peyster Library InteriorWatts de Peyster Library 1897-1898- Built at a cost of $16,055 (plus $990 for a steam heating plant and $5,150 for steel book stacks) to house 75,000 volumes. Money donated by John Watts de Peyster of Duchess County, New York. M. (Michael) O'Connor, Hudson NY, Architect; George H. Oster, Lancaster, Builder.
1897- May 12- Cornerstone laid.
1898- Feb 14- Building opens.
1898-June 8- Building formally dedicated.
1926- Renovated at a cost of $10,000.
1937- Razed for construction of Fackenthal Library.

Interior view of bookstacks of Watts de Peyster Library.

Weis Hall (Residence Hall)
1988 June - 1989- Constructed at cost of $5.7 million. Architects: Shepley, Bulfinch, Richardson and Abbott. Warfel Construction Co.- contractor.
1989 Summer - Opened.
1990 Sep 14 - Dedication; named for Robert F. & Patricia Ross Weis, major donors.
2010 June 25- Groundbreaking of new Weis College House Commons held. Expansion, gift of Robert F. and Patricia Weis. 
2011 May 13- Dedication of Weis College House.


Whitely Building Dedication, 1968Whitely Psychology Laboratory (629 Lancaster Ave.)
1968 Summer - Construction began (cost $500,000); named after Paul Leroy Whitely (Professor, Psychology). 

December 2007- Razed. 

Dedication ceremonies for the Whitely Building, 1968. 

Williamson Grandstand ca. 1965Williamson Field and Grandstand

1894 Feb- F&M Athletic and Field Association formed under the leadership of Henry S. Williamson. Plans made to improve the existing F&M Athletic Field established in the early 1890s on the College grounds. (The earliest F&M Football games in the late 1880s and early 1890s were played at Lancaster's McGrann's Park).
1894 -The "New Athletic field" is built (replacing the older, unimproved athletic field on the same site) with the assistance of Henry S. Williamson who helped raise $1,500 for the project. Improvements included grading, the addition of a 1/4 mile cinder running track, grand-stand, a fence enclosure, and tree plantings.
1899- Renamed Williamson Field.
1916 - Wooden grand-stand destroyed by fire. 
1922- New concrete grand-stand constructed through a $10,000 gift from Mrs. H. S. Williamson in memory of her husband who died in 1917. 
1935 Summer- Wooden seating replaced by steel seating with a capacity of 4,800 persons. Manufactured by Lebanon Iron Works. Installed by D.S.Warfel.
1990- Cinder track replaced by all-weather track.
1995 October 28- Renamed Sponaugle - Williamson Field at Homecoming. (included renaming the track the William Iannicelli Track)

View of Williamson Grandstand before the replacement of the old wooden press box, ca. 1965.


Susan and Benjamin Winter Visual Arts Center

2017 - Demolition of Herman Arts Building
2018 March 27 - Groundbreaking Ceremony
2018-2020 - Construction
2020 Sept. 29 - Pandemic Dedication, Fall Trustees Meeting
2021 Oct. 2 - Official Dedication, Fall Trustees Meeting
area: 33,000 gross square feet
architect: steven holl (design architect, principal); chris mcvoy (partner in charge); garrick ambrose (project architect, senior associate); carolina cohen freue (assistant project architect); dominik sigg, marcus carter, elise riley, michael haddy, hannah lasota (project team)
project manager: casali group, inc, thomas murray; and franklin and marshall college, sheldon wenger
structural engineers: silman associates
MEP engineers: ICOR associates
civil engineers: david miller associates
climate engineers: transsolar
landscape architects: hollander design
façade consultants: knippers helbig advanced engineering
lighting consultants: l’observatoire international
acoustical consultants: harvey marshall berling associates
pool consultants: aqua design international

Wohlsen House (637 College Ave.)Wohlsen House (637 College Ave.)
1929 - Land sold to Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity by Herbert C. Miller. House presumably constructed at this time.
1929 to 1980 - Occupied as Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity house.
1981 May- Purchased by College for $90,000.
1981 Nov.- Summer 1982 - Renovation. Architect: David Lynch Associates. Wohlsen Construction Co., builder.
1982 Sept. 15 - Dedicated and named after Robert S. Wohlsen (F & M 1950); cost ca. $400,000; contains Admissions Office moved from Gerhart House.
1984 - Contains Admissions, Educational Development Institute, College Gifted Program.
1985 - Admissions, FOCUS, Gifted Children's Program. 
2004- Renovated.

Writers House see: Philadelphia Alumni Writers House.