F&M College Library

SOC 310: Urban Sociology

Lancaster, PA Newspapers

On the database homepage, find the Quick Links menu on the right, then scroll down and click on the Lancaster Papers button.

U.S. History Database

Books with content about Lancaster, PA

Search the F&M Library catalog DISCOVER for books:

  1. Start at the F&M College Library web site: library.fandm.edu
  2. Click on the BOOKS tab.
  3. Copy and paste in this search statement:

    su: lancaster AND (pa OR pennsylvania) AND kw:  _________ 

    Then add your field site type (e.g. market, synagogue, museum, church, gallery, park, etc.) after the "AND kw:"

    Example:  su: lancaster AND (pa OR pennsylvania) AND kw: "train station"


Scholarly Sources for Urban Sociology

Popular Sources for Urban Sociology

Sociology Liaison Librarian

Profile Photo
Lisa Stillwell
Shadek-Fackenthal Library #204

EZBorrow (EZB)/Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Use EZBorrow (EZB)/Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to request articles, book chapters, books, and other materials not available at F&M.

EZBorrow (EZB)/Interlibrary Loan (ILL) for Books via DISCOVER

If you find a print book in DISCOVER to which we do not have immediate access, click on the button in DISCOVER to request the book from another library.

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