Established in 2018, the Franklin & Marshall College Open Access Publishing Fund supports F&M professors who would like to publish their work in an open access (OA) format. By reimbursing authors for the charges usually associated with OA publishing, the Fund enables F&M scholarship to be freely accessed by students and researchers around the world. The Fund is managed in accordance with the principles of the Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity, the University of California’s Declaration of Rights and Principles to Transform Scholarly Communication, and Plan-S.
“The fundamental goal of any open-access fund is to support publication models that enable free, immediate, online distribution of, and access to, scholarly research. By setting aside resources for the express purpose of encouraging authors to publish in open-access journals, open-access funds demonstrate an institution’s concrete support for reshaping the economics of scholarly communication.”
SPARC, Practical Guide to Designing and Implementing an OA Fund
Article accepted for publication in an eligible journal
Preference given to applicants who can secure matching funds
Scholarly and peer-reviewed
Fully open access journals preferred, with hybrid journals a possibility
Preferred if listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals
Should allow authors to retain their copyright (standard practice for fully OA journals), or negotiate to retain it
Member of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association
Transparent fee structure for OA charges
Only one award per person per year.
Fund money can only be awarded if external sources of funding are unavailable or exhausted.
Preference will be given to applicants who can obtain matching funds from other sources such as their department, the Office of Sponsored Research Resource Fund, or the Faculty Research & Professional Development Fund.
The following acknowledgment must be added to all articles sponsored by the fund, "Funding for open access provided by the Franklin & Marshall College Open Access Publishing Fund."
The author must deposit a copy of the published work in Franklin & Marshall’s OA institutional repository, College Scholarship, within one month of the article being published.
Award money can only be used to pay for article processing charges (APCs) associated with OA.
Award money cannot be used to pay for reprints, color illustration fees, non-OA page charges, membership fees, or web hosting.
Authors are reimbursed upon providing a paid invoice from the publisher or directly to the publisher, depending on the date of publication.
Applicants should complete the request form after their publications are accepted. All applicants will receive an email confirming their information has been received and is under review. The College Library will review the applications, which are decided upon in collaboration with an Associate Dean of the Faculty. Applicants will receive notice from the College Library within 10 business days of submission.