Think tanks and policy institutes are organizations that perform research and advocacy concerning topics such as social policy, political strategy, economics, military, technology, and culture. Most think tanks are non-governmental organizations, but some are semi-autonomous agencies within government, and some are associated with particular political parties, businesses or the military.
The links below will take you to JSTOR pages containing lists of these exemplar Think Tanks' publications:
The following news sources were identified specifically by Dr. Schrader as high-quality, independent sources of news covering Russia in-depth:
Long-form journalism is a branch of journalism dedicated to longer articles with larger amounts of content. Typically, this will be between 1,000 and 20,000 words. Long-form articles often take the form of a narrative or investigation and may focus intently on a specific subject or the journalists' experiences in researching the article and may bear a stylistic resemblance to a non-fiction book. This is in contrast to traditional news articles, which are typically briefer and focus on quickly summarizing a particular occurrence.
There is no one way to search for long-form articles as a whole, but many are indexed in Library databases, including:
You can use the links below to directly search for articles within the following publications: