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Although slavery is a dark part of our nation’s history, it is important that we don’t turn our backs on the truth. This episode identifies some common missteps that parents take when talking to their kids about slavery. It also gives recommendations for teaching your children about this topic in a way that honors the people who endured the atrocities of slavery.
Juneteenth is the oldest celebration of the abolition of slavery here in the United States. Every year on June 19th families come together to celebrate the resilience of our ancestors who survived and persevered during one of the darkest times of our nation’s history. We take time to reflect on where we are as a family, a community, and a nation and how we can work together to better live out our country’s values of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Listen in to hear the history of Juneteenth and how your family can take part in this powerful celebration. (2020)
Joining us on Episode 12 is Dr. Andrea Roberts of the Texas Freedom Colonies Project. She spoke with us about the often missed distinction between freedman’s towns and freedom colonies, the history of these neighborhoods, what needs to be done to ensure they thrive, and much more.