CNX 108: Childbirth and Midwifery
CNX 108: Childbirth and Midwifery
Search Statement Examples
Search Statement Examples
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Search Statement Examples
Here are some strategies for search statement language for searching in library databases:
Use an * to search for multiple forms of a word in a single search:
pregnan* will search for: pregnant, pregnancy, pregnancies
midwi* will search for: midwife, midwives, midwifery
discriminat* will search for: discriminate, discriminated, discrimination
medicaliz* will search for: medicalize, medicalized, medicalization
Use "quotation marks" to have multiple words searched together as a phrase:
"postpartum depression"
"infant mortality"
"birth control"
"maternal mortality"
"mental illness"
"united states"
Use the word OR (in capital letters) to search for words with similar meaning -- always place within ( ):
(race OR racism)
(cesarean OR c-section)
(class OR socioeconomic)
(black OR "african american")
(incarcerated OR jail OR prison)
Use the word AND (in capital letters) to combine different topics/concepts:
"postpartum depression" AND "infant mortality"
discriminat* AND transgender AND (pregnan* OR reproductive)
(cesarean OR c-section) AND (rise OR increase) AND "united states"
How to Get Library/Research Assistance
All the ways to contact us!
CNX 108 Librarian
Lisa Stillwell
Shadek-Fackenthal Library #204
Africana Studies
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Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies
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