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F&M College Library

College Scholarship

Digital Collections of Scholarly Work by F&M faculty, students, and professional staff


Why should I add my scholarly and creative work to College Scholarship?


Adding your works to F&M's open access institutional repository provides the following benefits:

  • Discoverability: since College Scholarship is search engine optimized and crawled by Google, your works will be easy to find on the web.
  • Permanence: College Scholarship is maintained by Archives & Special Collections, so your works will always be available
  • Sharing: every work in College Scholarship is assigned a permalink which can be added to websites and CVs to share your work
  • Analytics: starting in 2021, authors will receive readership reports telling them how many times their works have been accessed, downloaded, and from where.
  • Accessibility: because College Scholarship is an open access repository, your work will be freely available to students and researchers around the world, no login or account creation required.
  • Preprints and postprints: if permitted by your publication contract, you can add preprints (pre-peer review) and postprints (post-peer review) to College Scholarship so that those unable to read the version of record can still access the content of your work.

FPS Submission Form (link)

Click on the image to be taken to the online submission form