F&M College Library

ENG/WGS 467: Virginia Woolf

Discovering and Accessing Books @ F&M and Beyond

To discover books @ F&M and Beyond:​

1. Start at the F&M College Library web site: library.fandm.edu

2. Click on Advanced Search.

3. Perform SUBJECT searches on Woolf and a word from a text's title:

Subject: woolf, virginia


Subject: dalloway 

Perform combined Subject and Keyword Searches on Woolf and a topic:

Subject: woolf, virginia


Keyword: marriage

4. Source type: Book

5. Search!

To discover print books available beyond F&M:

1. On the results page, change the Library Location to: Libraries Worldwide

2.  Select the Source type: Print book--because we can borrow whole print books (but not ebooks) from other libraries via EZ Borrow or Interlibrary Loan.

Note: if you discover an ebook you would like, take a look at the Contents field in the full description of the book -- there you will find the titles of chapters -- we are able to request pdfs of chapters from ebooks at other libraries via Interlibrary Loan!

EZBorrow (EZB)/Interlibrary Loan (ILL) for Books via DISCOVER

If you find a print book in DISCOVER to which we do not have immediate access, click on the button in DISCOVER to request the book from another library.

Request from Libraries Worldwide

 Request from 
 another library 

EZBorrow (EZB)/Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Use EZBorrow (EZB)/Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to request articles, book chapters, books, and other materials not available at F&M.