Zine: derivative of “fanzine” or magazine; pronounced zeen
Zines are noncommercial, nonprofessional, small-circulation magazines, which their creators produce, publish, and distribute themselves.[1]
Franklin & Marshall College Library collects zines that have content relevant to the college’s liberal arts curriculum. They are purchased from individuals and distros. The College Library also accepts donations if the contents fall within the above parameter. Additionally, a special focus of the F&M Zine Library is zines that are produced and then donated by students, faculty, and staff of the college, or that are otherwise locally created. The zines comprise a browsing collection that is cataloged, processed, and accessibly shelved but does not circulate. (Occasionally the College Library purchases a zine “box set” that documents the output of an individual, collective, or publisher over time. Box sets are cataloged as rare books and are housed separately in Archives & Special Collections.)
[1] Duncombe, Stephen. Notes from Underground: Zines and the Politics of Alternative Culture, 2nd ed. Bloomington, IN: Microcosm Pub., 2008. p. 10.