When searching in the specialized sociological and education databases, be certain to include the word student somewhere in your search, and/or the statement (college OR university) plus the statement (roman* OR sex* OR dating OR casual OR hook*) --here are a few example searches:
"fraternity part*" AND (roman* OR sex* OR dating OR casual OR hook*)
(bar OR tavern) AND students AND (roman* OR sex* OR dating OR casual OR hook*)
"dating apps" AND (college OR university) AND students AND (roman* OR sex* OR dating OR casual OR hook*)
"black female college students" AND (roman* OR sex* OR dating OR casual OR hook*)
(queer OR "gender non conforming") AND "college students" AND (roman* OR sex* OR dating OR casual OR hook*)
Search statement strategies for your "group:"
Search statement strategies for your "site:"
Words featured in descriptions of publications that likely indicate empirical research: