Based at the University of Minnesota, many works in the OTL's rapidly growing collection have been reviewed by faculty.
Based at Rice University, OpenStax is the leading publisher of open textbooks for introductory survey courses. Their textbooks include presentation slides and other instructor resources, and OpenStax has partnered with providers of courseware including Barnes & Noble.
A leader in OER and open textbooks based at the University of British Columbia.
National Academies Press publishes hundreds of books a year on a wide range of topics in science, engineering and medicine.
The Open SUNY Textbook Project produces a number of peer-reviewed open textbooks.
Use Galileo to search through the many open textbooks of the University System of Georgia.
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Title: The Information Literacy User’s Guide: An Open, Online Textbook
Provider: Open SUNY Textbooks
About the Book: Good researchers have a host of tools at their disposal that make navigating today’s complex information ecosystem much more manageable. Gaining the knowledge, abilities, and self-reflection necessary to be a good researcher helps not only in academic settings, but is invaluable in any career, and throughout one’s life. The Information Literacy User's Guide will start you on this route to success. READ MORE >>>