The most comprehensive collection of full-text articles and bibliographic records in existence covering the fields of computing and information technology. Includes the complete collection of ACM's publications, including journals, conference proceedings, magazines, newsletters, and multimedia titles (excludes ACM books). The ACM Digital Library is heavily integrated with and includes unrestricted access to the Guide to Computing Literature bibliography.
An index and full text database featuring subjects such as astronomy, biology, botany, chemistry, conservation, health & medicine, oceanography, physics, zoology and more. Indexing from 1984 to present, full text from 1995 to present.
A collection of full-text articles from over 3000 scholarly journals, many dating from the nineteenth-century to the last 4 or 5 years. A growing number of titles are available through the current issues, as part of their "Current Scholarship Program". Select Advanced Search to strategically search amongst 45 disciplines. Choose PDF from within JStor to properly view and print articles. For convenience, JStor is now searchable on Facebook.
Encompassing both Mathematical Reviews and Current Mathematical Publications, this index is the most comprehensive in the discipline. Covers 1940 to the present.
Index to content from core journals in all areas of science and technology. Provides lists of sources cited, plus publications citing the original article. Also known as SCI. Covers 1900 to the present.