F&M College Library

CNX 140: Who Owns Culture?

A library guide to help you with your assignment for Professor Aleci's CNX140 class, held in Fall 2019.


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If you find a physical item in the collection that you would like to use be sure to note:

  • The Availability: if it is checked out try EZ Borrow or Interlibrary Loan
  • The Library: is it in Shad or Martin?
  • The Title: for example - Jane Eyre: An Authoritative Text
  • The Call Number: for example - PR4167 .J3 2000

Library of Congress Call Numbers

Remember, the Shadek-Fackenthal Library uses the Library of Congress classification system to organize, store, and access books. The image below is a great reminder of how to read a call number, and what each element means. 

Call number location