Welcome to Celebrating Scholarship 2018
This site features works produced by Franklin & Marshall College faculty and professional staff during the 2017 calendar year.
An exhibit of the works will be on view in the lobby of the Shadek-Fackenthal Library February 26th - March 16th, 2018.
This site features author-submitted citations to works produced in calendar year 2017. It is arranged alphabetically by the last name of the Franklin & Marshall College author. Author names appear in bolded text.
Scarborough, Roscoe C. 2017. "Risk a Lot to Save a Lot: How Firefighters Decide Whose Life Matters." Sociological Forum 32(S1):1073-92. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/socf.12363/abstract
Scarborough, Roscoe C. 2017. "Making It in a Cover Music Scene: Negotiating Artistic Identities in a 'Kmart Level Market.'" Sociological Inquiry 87(1):153-78. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/soin.12153/abstract
Schuyler, David. "Andrew Jackson Downing: Promoter of the Urban Public Park," Hudson River Valley Review 33, no. 2 (Spring 2017): 50-57.
Shamaileh, Ammar. (2017). Trust and Terror: Social Capital and the Use of Terrorism as a Tool of Resistance. New York, NY: Routledge.
Laura Shelton. "Bodies of Evidence: Honor, Prueba Plena, and Emerging Medical Discourses in Northern Mexico's Infanticide Trials in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries." The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Latin American History 74:4 (October, 2017) 457-480. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/672906/pdf
Shelton, Laura. "Infanticidio y Disciplina Populares en el Sistema Judicial de Sonora, Mexico Entre 1855 y 1929" Culturales 1:1 (enero-junio de
2017): 255-298. http://culturales.uabc.mx/index.php/Culturales/article/view/493/322
Simeon, Sandrine and Agathe Torti-Alcayaga, eds. "A vos ecrans!: la scene anglophone en 2D." Coup de Theatre 31, 2017.
Stachura A. (2017) "Soldiers and Shadows: The Post-national Militant in Ignacio Padilla’s Amphitryon and El daño no es de ayer." In: Jaimes H. (eds) The Mexican Crack Writers. Literatures of the Americas. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
Allan S. Gilbert, Paul Goldberg, Vance T. Holliday, Rolfe D. Mandel, and Robert S. Sternberg (editors). Encyclopedia of Geoarchaeology. Springer, 2017
Stone, Jon. The Institutions of Russian Modernism: Conceptualizing, Publishing, and Reading Symbolism. (Northwestern University Press, 2017)
Talvitie, Erik. Self-correcting models for model-based reinforcement learning. In Proceedings of the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), pp. 2597--2603, 2017.
Tareen, SherAli. "Debating Islam and Secularism in Pakistan." Journal of Asian Studies, Volume 76, Number 2 (May 2017), pp. 457-461. https://doi.org/10.1017/S002191181700033X
Tareen, SherAli. "Revolutionary Hermeneutics: Translating the Qur'an as a Manifesto for Revolution." Journal of Religious and Political Practice, Volume 3, Numbers 1-2, (March 2017), 1-24. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/20566093.2017.1286750
Tareen, SherAli. "Translating the 'Other': Early Modern Muslim Understandings of Hinduism." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Volume 27, Number 3 (July 2017), pp. 435-460. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1356186317000098
Theumer, Kathrin. "Nomadic Identity and lo cubano in Jose Manuel Poveda." Latin American Literary Review 44.87 (2017): 16-23. http://doi.org/10.26824/lalr.8
Troy, A. S., Shallcross, A. J., Brunner, A., Friedman, R., & Jones, M. (November, 2017). "Cognitive reappraisal and acceptance: Effects on emotion, physiology, and perceived cognitive costs." Emotion, online first publication. http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1037/emo0000371
Celebrating Scholarship 2018 is produced by:
Jenn Buch, Research Services Specialist | Caitlin Carter, Research & Scholarly Communications Librarian
Mike Horn, Administrative Services & Visual Resources Assistant | Meghan Kelly, Research & Emerging Technologies Librarian
Carol Kornhauser, Receipts Specialist & Budgets Coordinator | Lisa Stillwell, Associate Librarian for Research Services
(caitlin.carter@fandm.edu is the contact for Celebrating Scholarship)