F&M College Library


Find Books, Media and Articles

Search the College Library's holdings and WorldCat

To request books that the College Library does not own, use EZBorrow 

To request articles (and books) that the College Library does not own, use Interlibrary Loan

Topic Word Cloud

Search Tips

  • Remember that you need to use keywords to search library resources, not natural language. 
  • Think about various different terms that are or could be used to describe your topic, including synonyms. 
  • Use "quotes" around multiple terms that you'd like to use as a phrase.
  • For example:
    • "Latin America" AND "21st century"
    • fable OR story
Boolean Operators
  • AND, OR, NOT are used between your keywords to broaden or narrow your search. 
  • AND will search for both terms. 
  • OR will search for either one term or the other, but not both. 
  • NOT will search for one term but not the other.
  • For example:
    • Cuba AND (film OR cinema) 
    • Cuba AND "foreign policy" NOT "United States"
Subject Headings/Terms
  • Subject Headings/Terms are controlled phrases assigned to library materials to organize them. 
  • Use Subject Headings/Terms to find similar items when searching the library catalog and databases.
  • For example:

  • Many databases provide ways for you to limit your search results.
  • If your initial search is too large, consider limiting by date, type of publication, subject, etc. 

Recommended Databases

This list begins with the most general academic databases and gets more specialized toward the end.