F&M College Library

WGSS 210: Gender, Sexuality and Power

Discovering and Accessing Books @ F&M and Beyond

Search Discover to find books and ebooks @ F&M:  

To perform a general, exploratory search in Discover:

  • Start at the F&M College Library web site: library.fandm.edu
  • Click on the BOOKS tab.
  • Type in your search statement to perform a Keyword search
    • To discover books published by a university press, include the word "university":
      • Example search statement:
        • university AND feminis* AND (theater OR theatre)
  • Search!
  • On the results page, select: Sorted by: BEST MATCH
  • To determine the publisher of a book:
    • Click on the title-link of the book
    • Click on the arrow to open the DESCRIPTION
    • Read the PUBLICATION line to determine the publisher

To discover print books available beyond F&M:

  • Follow the steps above, but change the location to: Libraries Worldwide.  Then:
  • On the results page, select:
    • Format: Print book--because we can borrow print books (but not ebooks) from other libraries...
    • At the top of the page, next to the number of results, there is a pop-up menu: select Relevance Only
    • If you discover books not available at F&M but of interest to you:
      • search EZ BORROW to determine if you could borrow books from
        a nearby library.
      • If the book is not available via EZ Borrow, use the Interlibrary Loan
        (or "ILL")

EZBorrow (EZB)/Interlibrary Loan (ILL) for Books via DISCOVER

If you find a print book in DISCOVER to which we do not have immediate access, click on the button in DISCOVER to request the book from another library.

Request from Libraries Worldwide

 Request from 
 another library 

EZBorrow (EZB)/Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Use EZBorrow (EZB)/Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to request articles, book chapters, books, and other materials not available at F&M.