F&M College Library

Voices of the Francophone World

Voices of the Francophone World 2024

Welcome to the Voices of the Francophone World Exhibit
January 26 - March 24, 2024  |  Shadek-Fackenthal Library

This guide features information on all print and e-books available through the Franklin & Marshall College Library. 

Alphabetical List of Authors

Marie-Célie Agnant (1953 -  ) – Haiti; Québec Yasmina Khadra (1955 -  ) – Algeria
Mariama Bâ (1929- 1981) – Senegal Dany Laferrière (1953 -  ) – Haiti; Québec
Tahar Ben Jelloun (1944 -  ) – Morocco Amin Maalouf (1949 -  ) – Lebanon
Maissa Bey (1950 -   ) – Algeria Alain Mabanckou (1966 -  ) – The Republic of the Congo
Aimé Césaire (1913 - 2008) – Martinique Albert Memmi (1920 - 2020) – Tunisia
Ying Chen (1961 -  ) – China; Québec Fatima Mernissi (1940 - 2015) – Morocco
Maryse Condé – (1937 -  ) – Guadeloupe Pierre Mertens (1939 -  ) – Belgium
Fatou Diome (1968 -  ) – Senegal Patrick Modiano (1945 -  ) – France
Assia Djebar (1936 -  2015) – Algeria Amélie Nothomb (1967 -  ) – Belgium
Annie Ernaux (1940 -  ) – France Monique Proulx (1952 -  ) – Québec
Aminata Sow Fall (1941 -  ) – Senegal Simone Schwarz-Bart (1938 - ) – Guadeloupe
Frantz Fanon (1925 - 1961) – Martinique Leïla Sebbar (1941 -  ) – Algeria
Frankétienne – (1936 -  ) – Haiti Léopold Sédar Senghor (1906 - 2001) – Senegal
Edouard Glissant (1928 - 2011) – Martinique Lise Tremblay (1957 -  ) – Québec
Jacques Godbout (1933 -  ) – Québec Abdourahman Waberi (1965 -  ) – Djibouti
Louis Hamelin (1959 -  ) – Québec Kateb Yacine (1929 - 1989) – Algeria
Cheikh Hamidou Kane (1928 -  ) – Senegal Marguerite Yourcenar (1903 - 1987) – Belgium