GPO's GovInfo provides free public access to Government information submitted by Congress and Federal agencies and preserved as technology changes. (replaced FDsys in December 2018)
This monthly publication is prepared by the Council of Economic Advisers for the Joint Economic Committee. It provides economic information on gross domestic product, income, employment, production, business activity, prices, money, credit, security markets, Federal finance, and international statistics.
View the Federal Register in a daily online newspaper format, highlighting the most popular and newsworthy documents. Users will be able to see all of the U.S. Government rules, proposed rules, public notices of federal agencies and Presidential documents in a clear layout and improved navigation. Covers from 1994 to the present.
A data source that includes information on the global economy, finance, gender, education, health, natural resources, and environmental indicators. This resource, published by the World Bank, contains statistical data for over 600 development indicators and time series data from 1960 to the latest compiled for over 200 countries as well as 18 country groups. Databases include: World Development Indicators, Global Development Finance, Gender Statistics, Education Statistics, Health Nutrition and Population Statistics, Africa Development Indicators, Global Economic Monitor, and Millennium Development Goals.