GPO's GovInfo provides free public access to Government information submitted by Congress and Federal agencies and preserved as technology changes. (replaced FDsys in December 2018) searches over 60 databases and over 2,200 scientific websites to provide users with access to more than 200 million pages of authoritative federal science information including research and development results.
This office provides leadership on health policy issues for the Secretary of Health and Human Services.. HP carries out this mission by conducting policy, economic and budget analyses, assisting in the development and review of regulations, assisting in the development and formulation of budgets and legislation, assisting in survey design efforts, as well as conducting and coordinating research, evaluation, and information dissemination on issues relating to health policy
View the Federal Register in a daily online newspaper format, highlighting the most popular and newsworthy documents. Users will be able to see all of the U.S. Government rules, proposed rules, public notices of federal agencies and Presidential documents in a clear layout and improved navigation. Covers from 1994 to the present.