F&M College Library

HIS/PBH 278:Reproductive Health and Justice in Mexico

Search for Primary Source Materials @ F&M and Beyond

To discover primary source materials about Mexico @ F&M and Beyond:​

1. Start at the F&M College Library web site: library.fandm.edu

2. Click on Advanced Search.

3. In the box labeled Keyword, type in your Search Term(s) -- e.g., women AND health

4. Next steps:

  • Use the operator AND
  • Change the Search Index to: Subject -- type in: mexic*
  • Use the operator AND
  • Change the next Search Index to: Subject -- Copy-and-paste the following search statement:

(documents OR interviews OR correspondence OR letters OR speeches
OR diaries OR narratives OR sources OR collections OR memoir OR autobiography)

5. Under the Search Tools, select Source Type: Book

6. Search!

7. Now filter/refine your search by:  Sort: Best Match

Now, assess your results.  If you would like to see what is available beyond F&M, filter/refine your search by:

  1. Library: Libraries Worldwide

Searching Newspapers and Periodicals for Primary Source Material

EZBorrow (EZB)/Interlibrary Loan (ILL) for Books via DISCOVER

If you find a print book in DISCOVER to which we do not have immediate access, click on the button in DISCOVER to request the book from another library.

Request from Libraries Worldwide

 Request from 
 another library 

EZBorrow (EZB)/Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Use EZBorrow (EZB)/Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to request articles, book chapters, books, and other materials not available at F&M.

HIS/PBH 278 Librarian

Profile Photo
Lisa Stillwell
Shadek-Fackenthal Library #204